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Clan Recruitment

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5/18/2015 9:05:05 PM

Xbox 360 Clan, Looking for Pros, Casual Gamers, or even Noobs

[b]The question everybody always asks is: "Is our clan active?". Well I redirect it to you, are you active enough for us? Heres some things we offer. [/b] [i]-Worldwide participation (US, Britain, and Austrailia) -Constant Answers (we always have our phones and computers ready.) -Friendly Community (So far, no anuses (anuses? anusen? ani? Whever.)) -Help to the lost (Will carry even a 23 through the VoG) -LFG Threads (find a group of people you sorta know) -Bad*** Name and mission statement (The Lighthouse Protocol) [/i] [b]How do you join?[/b] Follow that link and hit join. Then later, press interact, and "set as clan". [b]Where do I find the mission statement?[/b] Follow the link above to our page. Once there, click about. Fight for the Lighthouse Protocol Today!

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