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9/25/2008 5:33:03 PM
357 better issue an apology/Statement!

Hey guys. Just to let you know that due to some small message in (or thought to be in) your new trailer that apparantly reads "Wheres Maddie?" small but growing numbers of halo fanboys are posting stuff on websites related to the disapperance of a kid in the UK named Madaline McCann. Now i dont know how well you know the UK press....but they can be, say...reactionary at best. Especially about Maddie. All it would take is a few more posts and you can be sure you'll end up in a few of the red tops....and i assure you it wont be favourable to the Bungie cause. They love a good anti-gaming story. You may want to issue a statement to people telling them to calm down before the press get hold of it. About 24 hours i reckon. Just thought i'd warn you :) P.s Ask Frankie if you want to know more about the British press...i'm sure he's got some horror stories..
#Halo #Halo3

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  • [quote]Please enlighten me as to what law Bungie is breaking. Also, I haven't heard any reason why there would be outrage over this. None at all.[/quote]Did I mention anything about Bungie breaking laws? No I didn't. Look you're American I don't expect you to understand properly (because its a UK case) so you ask why it will p!ss people off? The "Maddie" case had millions put into it, lots of time and effort and was probably the biggest thing in europe to date. It almost got more attention than the London bombings for christ sake. Its just disrespectful for people who took this case to heart and feel sorry for the little girl. Yes bungie did not mean the link the two things, it was an accident but none the less its going to upset people for what it is and attract alot of attention wether we like it or not.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] elmicker [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeathReaper112 Im pretty sure not many will even care.[/quote] She's a photogenic, cute blonde girl who got abducted, then probably abused and dumped in the ocean somewhere, and bungie have just made what appears to be an overt reference to her disappearance in a video game. Do you [i]seriously[/i] think no one is going to question that?[/quote] Should "photogenic, cute blonde girl," have ANYTHING to do with this? I'm sure if it was an "ugly" child you, and half the world wouldn't give a rats ass

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] elmicker [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zManWithaPlan Which is exactly what they did. They said it was purely a coincidence.[/quote] they'd better get used to saying that if they want to persist using "Where are you maddie?" because i can guarantee you that isn't going to go down well with people who aren't bungie fanboys. their localisation and marketing teams should be very, very aware of that fact. That's why i'm amazed they've gone for it.[/quote] Again, why should an American company be expected to know about this? "Our finding it was not a mistake, so it was obviously planned by the marketing team. The marketing team then ignoring/being unaware of the potential connections to this strategy simply sadden me, because they're either lying or their quality has dropped so low to the point that they no longer even bother googling. Either one is a major disappointment." Before we name him john we better google the name. And i did google maddie for the giggles; it returned a few pages about a missing Schnauzer but the point is that its a name, why google it when people obviously have it/use it. [Edited on 09.25.2008 1:42 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zManWithaPlan ...they had it for a few frames, in a random, minute long, teaser trailer...[/quote] This is a viral marketing campaign. We had screen grabs and analyses of every single little thing in that trailer online within 10 minutes. You cannot brush something off as being in "for a few frames" because it's the things that are in for a few frames that they want us to notice. It's already been confirmed by lukems that "maddie" is a character, and as they've been mentioned by name theyre probably going to have a siginificant role to play. Our finding it was not a mistake, so it was obviously planned by the marketing team. The marketing team then ignoring/being unaware of the potential connections to this strategy simply sadden me, because they're either lying or their quality has dropped so low to the point that they no longer even bother googling. Either one is a major disappointment.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xPiGodx Why get so worked up?[/quote] *inevitable Joker quote*

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] elmicker If they were aware of the connotations, then it's a can of worms that simply doesn't bear opening.[/quote] What are the worms? There's nothing offensive, slanderous, or otherwise questionable here. Some of you brits need to grow thicker skin. It's pathetic.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jamieboy22 I believe the point the original poster was trying to make was that he believes that even though he realises that its fiction UK press will blow this out of proportion. Because its pretty much what they do, especially the sun, the scummiest lying newspaper ever. This could really turn out wrong if the press put the wrong spin on it. I dont think the OP had a problem with it but was pre-warning bungie about what might happen.[/quote] exactly, the sun has 3 million readers and it wields a lot of power to blow things out of propotion

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] UNUSUAL WEASEL [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] elmicker [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeathReaper112 Im pretty sure not many will even care.[/quote] In europe, madeleine mccann gained more column inches than the entirity of the iraq and afghan wars. She's a photogenic, cute blonde girl who got abducted, then probably abused and dumped in the ocean somewhere, and bungie have just made what appears to be an overt reference to her disappearance in a video game. Do you [i]seriously[/i] think no one is going to question that?[/quote] you underestimate the British tabloids[/quote] There have been tragic events that happened here in america that have been referenced in a comedic way, but I dont remember hearing anything about them. However, Im from the U.S. and have no idea how things are dealt with over there, so forgive me for my ignorance.

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  • If anything, the people going to these websites posting should appoligize. Bungie did nothing wrong. I know 3 people named Maddie! Holy Jesus! Bungie knows them!! Think rationally guys

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    I can understand the confusion. If you type in the actual words, "Maddie, where are you?" into google, it goes to a Maddie Mccann website. I'm very sure that it wasn't intended. Either way, it's unfortunate.

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  • Right, so now nobody can put 'Where' and 'Maddie' in the same sentence anymore? I'm from the UK too, and feel the pain and disgust for the terrible thing that happened to her and her family, but I still say this to you: "Get a grip".

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] I am Fearless I ...As you know, Bungie is located in the U.S. Lukems himself said they [b] were not [/b] aware of this.[/quote] I'd be willing to lay money on a significant proportion of bungie's staff not being american. If they were honestly not aware of the top 100 google results for the name of a character that they're going to use in a viral marketing strategy, then their marketing team needs replacing. If they were aware of the connotations, then it's a can of worms that simply doesn't bear opening.

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  • I agree with lukems and the forum ninjas.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] elmicker [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zManWithaPlan Which is exactly what they did. They said it was purely a coincidence.[/quote] they'd better get used to saying that if they want to persist using "Where are you maddie?" because i can guarantee you that isn't going to go down well with people who aren't bungie fanboys. their localisation and marketing teams should be very, very aware of that fact. That's why i'm amazed they've gone for it.[/quote] Denial is as American as Apple Pie. I love how you assume that this is their new slogan, they had it for a few frames, in a random, minute long, teaser trailer and all of a sudden you're crying up a storm. Besides Bungie is relatively small, 100 some employees, I doubt they have huge teams doing hours of research on every word they plan on using. The truth is the Mccan disappearance wasn't nearly as big in America as it was in the UK, just as you may not have heard of the Natalie Holloway case from Aruba. This isn't going to ruin Bungie, or the halo series, I'm sure it won't even make a dent as this is such a pathetic attempt to draw attention over a few frames. The explanation written was not necessary, and for writing it they've brought more attention to this thread (the gold symbol on the left of the topic) than they needed to. You got an explanation, now what do you want? Bungie is not going to kiss your feet, obey your every command, or issue a press release for your enjoyment (nobody would care about it anyway, I promise.)

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  • For those who don't know, The Maddie McCann dissapearence has been all over the news for about a year, perhaps over a year. I'm sure this was just a coincidence but people are still going to make connections to it

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  • I might be wrong but here is why I think they are upset. Maddie went missing and is one of the biggest searches for a child. The name Maddie isn't what is making people mad but the context inwhich it was put. "Where are you Maddie?". I think that putting it in that context is what makes people angry because of a flashback to her and thinking of another little girl who has gone missing.

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  • I believe the point the original poster was trying to make was that he believes that even though he realises that its fiction UK press will blow this out of proportion. Because its pretty much what they do, especially the sun, the scummiest lying newspaper ever. This could really turn out wrong if the press put the wrong spin on it. I dont think the OP had a problem with it but was pre-warning bungie about what might happen.

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  • Throughout the history of time, people of all names have gone missing. Is there a list of taboo names that can't be used in fiction because in reality a person or persons by those names went missing, died, or did something heroic? Of course not. It doesn't matter if said Maddie, Jenny, or lil ol'Timmy. People go missing, and guess what, they have names!!! Scandalous I know!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] elmicker [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeathReaper112 Im pretty sure not many will even care.[/quote] [b] In europe [/b], madeleine mccann gained more column inches than the entirity of the iraq and afghan wars. She's a photogenic, cute blonde girl who got abducted, then probably abused and dumped in the ocean somewhere, and bungie have just made what appears to be an overt reference to her disappearance in a video game. Do you [i]seriously[/i] think no one is going to question that?[/quote] As you can see I bolded [i] In europe [/i] because thats the important thing to remember here. IT HAPPENED IN EUROPE! Until today I had no clue about this along with many other people who [b] aren't [/b] located in Europe. As you know, Bungie is located in the U.S. Lukems himself said they [b] were not [/b] aware of this. It was a unfortunate mistake. LET IT GO FOR GODS SAKE. [Edited on 09.25.2008 1:33 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PlST0L PETE bungie cant be expected to know evey single thing thats connected to a NAME of a fictional character.[/quote] Actually, yes they can. The amount they spend on marketing and localisation, and especially considering their preferred "spurious connection" method of viral marketing, they should know every possible connotation of every aspect of their marketing strategy. Step #1 of investigating any topic on the internet: Google. Go google maddie, see what comes up.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] I enjoy pie [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cocomaan What kind of legal trouble could they possibly get into? And for what reason would anyone get pissed off at this?[/quote]Go and live in the UK for a few months and then maybe you will understand a little better. [/quote] Please enlighten me as to what law Bungie is breaking. Also, I haven't heard any reason why there would be outrage over this. None at all.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] elmicker [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeathReaper112 Im pretty sure not many will even care.[/quote] In europe, madeleine mccann gained more column inches than the entirity of the iraq and afghan wars. She's a photogenic, cute blonde girl who got abducted, then probably abused and dumped in the ocean somewhere, and bungie have just made what appears to be an overt reference to her disappearance in a video game. Do you [i]seriously[/i] think no one is going to question that?[/quote] you underestimate the British tabloids

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  • This is stupid its just a random coincidence. I live in the UK and i didn't even think about madalin mcaan until it was pointed out. I say again its just a coincidence, bungie cant be expected to know evey single thing thats connected to a NAME of a fictional character. Its idiots that go making stupid connections like this that ruin somthing that should be met with excitement and enthusiasm.

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  • Bungie's already said that all the characters in their game are fictional. That means trailers and game-related stuff, too. It's just a coincedince. EDIT:^^^^^^^Really? [Edited on 09.25.2008 1:29 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lukems As always, all of the characters in our games are fictional. Any similarities between real life and the characters in our games are purely coincidental. That said, this is both an unfortunate and untended coincidence. [/quote] Some people still won't comprhend that.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Twatter P.s Ask Frankie if you want to know more about the British press...i'm sure he's got some horror stories.. [/quote] Can sum 1 explain for poor Sparlan? : )

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