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Edited by ZerogaK: 5/16/2015 1:56:43 PM

What Enemy Race Would Be The Most Terrifying IRL?









So, which one do you think would haunt your dreams? Choose wisely Guardian.... You never know... [i]Edit:[/i] DeeJ, if you are reading this, can you please give us your personal opinion? Thanks :D [i]Edit 2:[/i] [i]Wow! I had no idea this post would become so popular! [u][b]We just reached 1000 Comments![/b][/u] Thank you so much for every commeny guys! This is absolutely fantastic! Seems like the Hive have the advantage for Visual Spookiness and Sadism while the Vex take the 2nd Place for Psychological Terror and the whole "I'll wipe you out of the existence" thing! Also, it seems we can all agree that the Fallen are not spooky at all. And that the Cabal can blow up things. [/i] [i]Edit 3: By the way, I voted Vex. If you want to know why, just read the [b]"Ghost Fragment: Vex"[/b] Grimoire Cards. You will experience ontological hell.[/i]

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  • DeeZ NutZ

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  • Fallen are space pirates... Hive are like creatures from hell and scare the shiz out of anyone who even hear them. Vex are SuperIntelligent warminds that can control the fabric of space and time and can erase you from time at any given moment ... and then we have giant space turtles

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    • Edited by Bunderu: 6/3/2015 7:24:25 AM
      I choose hive based on there actions compared against the others none are more gruesome sure the vex turn worlds into machines but the hive simply leave behind empty shells filed with there own abominations not only that but they live off of pain and suffering they infect planets with seeders and who the f*ck knows about onyx they literally rip guardians apart instead of just filing them with laser beams and not give 2 f*ck later they really enjoy killing guardians and make every moment last and just straight freaking ugly in general good job bungie for putting something unique and truly terrifying in my dreams at night xD there the only race to carry a f*cling knife(sword) to a gun fight(and against all odds) win the hive don't really have similar technology compared against the fallen etc. They instead worship a dark god (satin pretty much) and bend the rules of physics with the power said god provides they shoot screaming rockets Jesus and if that couldn't get any worse well my god they dramatically rise out of ink black liquids whenever they freaking like it pfft vex teleportation okay they say impressive please keep in mind hive have ships that also teleport when ever they want with screaming homing missiles yay some may call this over kill until you see thrall with shreak right behind it'll all be ogre now then you'll think its complete madness which is what Toland became once he tried to study them XD

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    • Vex. Sure at the end of the day, they're robots... But they can write you out of history and freaking teleport wherever. Plus, think about it... If they are all one interconnected force, they all will remember you, and know your face. I think a large, malicious force that has existed since the beginning of time is much more threatening.

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    • Cabal are just Vogons with better weapons and less poetry. Hive. Thralls and cleaver knights.

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    • Those Thrall creep me out. I mean, look at them ... they are animated SKELETONS, for crying out loud! They really need a cheeseburger.

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    • The hive Wizards

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    • Edited by Bob_Ajk: 6/2/2015 8:12:13 AM
      I think it is the Vex. Compare to other races we could counter them with brute force in combat. But Vex on the other hand, we still can't figure it all out how their techbology really works and I'm sure they have no issue with reproducing , growing up, learn to fight, etc. they're intelligence machine.

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    • The hive may haunt the dreams of children,but you haunt the dreams of the hive

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    • I believe this begs the question: What sort of gun do we get to face them, if any? If we do not get a weapon, they all would scare me shitless

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    • Imagine you're sleeping at night. You wake up to a strange sound; don't know what it is. You look to your closet and see the 3 glowing eyes of a Hive Knight making that weird moaning sound they make.

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      3 Replies
      • The Vex can teleport instantly across star systems, and they can wipe you from existence. Yeah no.

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          • You forgot activision[spoiler]oh wait...[/spoiler]

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          • I say vex who can -blam!- with TIME (*0*)

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          • Hive cause it's basically would be like zombie apocalypse

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          • the cabal are militarized angry space walruses four times our size. i'll pass.

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          • Vex or hive, because vex can teleport and I wouldn't wanna go anywhere In the dark with hive

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          • cabal. just imagine watching tv and all a sudden a fleet of 800 pound space turtles break down your house for fun

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            • Cabal cause... Guns More guns Big guns 12 feet tall Y u do dis cabal

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            • Awoken... Js

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            • Fallen.. Kill a dreg and then look at its face thats what every spider wishes it could have

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            • Edited by thesoccerbros: 5/31/2015 1:51:17 PM
              The hive can rip the light and life from your body! The vex, sure they can erase you from existence, but that sounds rather un-painful. The cabal will blow you up, but that's over quickly. [spoiler]not gonna mention the fallen. They are not scary.[/spoiler] The hive will torture you, rend the flesh and life from your body. From the grimoire, we learn it hurts. A lot. (Omar agah is subject to this) Hell they will even expiriment on you, probably in the form of grafts. That hurts way more, and the hive look scariest too.

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              • Catch me on pick my gun live now with great music

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              • Hive. Or vex because they have sperm in the middle of them

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                • Cabal, they blow planets up

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