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Edited by bpkaty78: 3/18/2015 11:10:39 AM
Banshee actually sells rare items Banshee actually sells legendary but twice a week and cost 7500 glimmer/per. Rahool has a twin named Loohar that has upgraded decoding skills but cost motes. Postmaster gives 2 random packages a week containing random loot depending on your level. Mentors sell level specific armour 1-5 = White 6-15 = Green 16-25 = Blue 26-30 = Purple 30+ = Purple/2 Yellow Add a new "Secret Charactor" like Xur. Trade=Motes, Coins, Syns, Legendaries More vault/Charactor space 20 more story missions (non-dlc) Level selecting for raids. Strike picking. 7 man raid/fireteam members. Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Edit: Thanks guys know it needs work but still.

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