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6/7/2010 3:07:28 AM

Halo Reach FAILS September 14, 2010

If a game is made for players whom are 17+, why does Reach feel like it was designed for 10 year olds with ADD? Honestly, anyone can pick up this game and do reasonably well. It seems as Bungie is catering to a much younger audience that doesn't have the attention span to learn to play a game well. From in-game randomness such as bloom, over-powered grenades, armor abilities, ect., Halo Reach is simply dumbed down. Bungie, you may as well slap an E rating on this one, because your average fifth grader who just picked up the game can compete with dedicated players. Let's take me for an example: I was able to get on the early release of the beta (Lol), but I was only able to put a reasonable amount of time into the game on Friday (1 day after the beta was released). Luckily, I searched with some extremely talented Halo 3 players whom had spent all day and night playing. Early on while searching, we matched Halo 3 professionals, Enable and Flamesword. In Halo 3, they could have absolutely handed my ass to me. In Reach however, even though they had more than double my playtime, I only went -5, and -4. Honestly, if Reach wasn't catered to 10 year olds with ADD, I would have gone double digit negative. They should have wiped the floor with me, but we tied them once, and only lost by a small margin in the second game. Halo has always been an 18+ game. Sure there are groups like Bungle trying to dumb down the game to the point that a retarded chimp could have an orgasm playing it, but default gameplay is simply too basic. With the skill gap nearly gone, I don't know where to turn. I'm sure I'll get some trolling replies along the lines of "Don't buy it, you won't be missed," but if Reach stays this dumbed down I don't know if I'll purchase it. Default gameplay shouldn't be this basic, and hopefully Bungie will at least allow MLG a way to fix this currently broken game. Bungie, we don't want a game made for the 10 year olds with ADD, this is Halo. They have CoD. I understand this is a business, but simply put, you're ruining your integrity as a gaming developer. I feel like Reach will be a game that nobody will play more than a year, simply because of how basic the gameplay is. And those people that you're catering to, they bought Halo 3. Then, when the next shiny new title came out, they bought that too. I'm sure Reach will break every sales record evar, but that doesn't make it a good game. I can't imagine what this is like for the players who have been around since CE. I played a little Halo 2, and spent way too many hours on Halo 3, but this series is getting continually dumbed down. Regardless, in the slim chance an employee stops what they are doing to read this, good luck with your future projects. Thanks for your time. Edit 1: [url=]Game Used as Evidence in OP[/url] [url=]Game 2[/url] [Edited on 06.06.2010 7:50 PM PDT]
#Halo #Reach

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NERF THE FRAGS [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] M1STA WU1FY [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] A random loser Lmao! You won 75% of your games in Reach, and you say it takes no skill. If it took no skill, then your uber Halo 3 skillz would not matter and you would only win half of your games, but guess what? You won the vast majority of them proving that you have an advantage over bad players.... Honestly, you argue that good players have no advantage over bad players while defeating bad players every time. You are using knowingly incorrect arguments.[/quote] If it was Halo 2 or 3, he'd have won 100%. Learn to math.[/quote][/quote] Lol I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic, either that or he is brain damaged.

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