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12/15/2014 7:12:09 AM

Endless RE:GRINDING is not my Destiny

I played TDB to what I feel is completion. I finished all the story missions. I finished the Xûr urn mission. I finished Weekly Heroic and Nightfall Strikes. I beat the Crota's End Raid on normal. I'm finding it hard to want to play anymore. Sure the raid launcher is cool, but I also found zero raid gear, and got nothing else besides shards for gear I don't have. Bungie wants me to continually keep upgrading my exotics every single damn time they release an upgrade? No. Just NO! I upgraded some duplicate exotic weapons: Red Death, THUNDERLORD, SUROS and Ice Breaker. I'm now staring blankly at their upgrade trees, not wanting AT ALL to do stupid bounties to level these weapons again. I absolutely refuse to trade in my Maxed Exotics for the crappy Xûr version. I'm not erasing my progress. I'm not starting over. My time is not yours to squander. This is it, I think. Why even play anymore? All my Vault of Glass raid gear is worthless now. You know how long it took me find my titan raid set? 3 Months of raiding every single week. I literally just found the last piece barely 3 weeks ago. Yay. More grinding. More weekly raids where you get nothing but materials. I gotta say, I'm so damn tired of getting materials in raid drops it disgusts me. This endless grinding is not for me, I like my time invested to mean something, and I like to be rewarded for skill, effort and investment. Your loot system is unintelligent and poorly implemented. I'm so tired of your crappy RNG. And all the time I've spent playing, I've found every single exotic in the game at least 4 times except Hard Light or Gjallahorn. So, to mock me, you make every single person I play with find both of those weapons multiple times. It sucks. And how is that a good way to keep me playing? Universal Remote is the worst exotic in Destiny and yet you keep giving me them, like as if 5 wasn't enough. This is not my Destiny. I'm tired of being frustrated because of a video game. You can't have an RNG loot system without some sort of trading. And expect people to not be irritated or frustrated to the point of exasperation. Destiny could have been the best game of the year, but you peppered it with hate.

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  • I agree completely, I pre ordered this game with the Season pass under the understanding of what the DEVELOPERS had advertised the game to be.. EVERYTHING that was said to us was a lie and I noticed within my first hour of game play that this was in no way the game they advertised. what gets me the most was the headline "Explore" then being told about huge land masses and there video of the dev saying" all that you see here is playable land" when none of what he was looking at is even touchable. I bought this game to explore planets and adventure with my friends.. turns out this isn't even an MMOFPS like they said. its simply a MMO like progression system game that is filled with NOTHING but Instance runs? seriously?. it took them how long to develop a game that was nothing more then Instances? no actual landmass?. I feel like EVERYONE deserves the DLC expansions FOR FREE. its astounding that they make you pay for them. and if you don't? Have fun with your incomplete game you can no longer do weekly's.. scuse me? I HAVE to get DLC to even attempt to enjoy a game that's instance based and nothing but an endless grind where they take your hard earned legendary's and exotics and make them garbage with each new DLC? GIMME MY MONEY BACK!

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