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2/21/2015 3:44:30 AM

I really believed this was going to be a great game......I was so wrong!!!

I have officially quit Destiny as of a few minutes ago. This game started out great but has turned out to be the most repetitive game I have ever played!! If Bungie doesn't make some drastic changes this game will die soon regardless of what they think. Gaining any ground in the game once you reach LVL 25 is extremely arduous at best. You have to do the same strikes and missions over, and over, and over, and over again to barely go anywhere and I purchased The Dark Below expansion. The resources to upgrade your armor and weapons become impossible to get unless you are willing to play the same missions and strikes constantly! The strikes and missions available to me that might help me improve my gaming experience require multiple people to accomplish but do not have matchmaking to match me up with other players even though these strikes/missions specify that multiple players are necessary. I prefer to solo a game but if I must have other players to accomplish something I expect the game to match me up with the players necessary. I will say one thing in closing that I think demonstrates this perfectly because it was the first MMORPG I ever played and I consider Destiny to be the same thing with the exception that Destiny is also a FPS as well. I purchased the first MMORPG version of Final Fantasy for my PlayStation over a decade ago and absolutely loved it. In fact I purchased it for a couple of friends as well even though you were required to buy a separate hard drive to install and play it which was very expensive. We all learned very quickly that after the first few levels you could not play the game any further without a group! No exceptions! This would have been fine but we found ourselves waiting around for extended periods of time to gather a group to play a "mission" that only lasted 1/10 of the time we'd waited. Then one day I came across a game called World Of Warcraft that was the same concept but you could play the game completely solo if you wanted (and it was not repetitive). I tried it out and was blown away. Not only could you solo if you wanted, the game play itself smoked FF, the graphics were better, and if you chose to play with others finding a group was almost instantaneous. We all closed our FF accounts immediately. My point is this, beware Bungie because the WOW to your FF is coming if you don't do something drastic and when it does you will never get the players back that you loose. I own my own business and know from much experience, it is always easier to keep your customers than it is to get them back!!! You built a great concept, now listen to your customers and expand it into something or become obsolete!!

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