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7/18/2008 7:19:26 AM
428 Fanart

Can someone please make a badass piece of fanart using the characters? Like Mr. Hand, PWNY, disembodied soul, soffish,webmaster...etc? This isn't a contest. I just think it would be awesome. Favorites so far: [url=¤t=wecon.png]Mister Chief Armor Perms[/url] by luckiesnipes208 [url=]Mister Chief Coat of Arms[/url] by Comrade_Max [url=]On strike please...[/url] by ash55 [url=]MLP[/url] by THE CHIEF 87 [url=]Marathon eye[/url] by Halcylon [url=]Dreaming Webmaster[/url] by TheUseless0ne [url=]Ban Hammer[/url] by devilsrevenge96 [url=]Block Art[/url] by Zephyr187 (he made this in the seattle art museum...awesome) [url=] Character Sketch[/url] by D1Mik [url=]Army of Stosh[/url] by A Deaf Boy [url=]Ling Lings new Friend[/url] by SirWilliamRegis [url=] shenanigans[/url] by IcedPea I'll update this again soon. Thanks!! [Edited on 07.31.2008 10:27 PM PDT]

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    [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ash55 Ok. I've had a go at sketching a very rough idea. I would like to do a full piece that isn't so rough and crappy, [i]but[/i], ever since my computer room flooded, I've been using a crappy laptop and this doesn't have photoshop or even a scanner... So I'm having to make do with a blue biro, a bit of paper and the camera on my phone... All excuses aside, here's my submission (until I can get a better one out). [url=]Sorry for the resolution and poor quality[/url] edit: needs less "suck", more polish and the superintendent. :( I think I'll do a full-colour, shaded, neat piece when possible (with the same basic premise and maybe some realistic perspective). [/quote] Also... bonus pic... [url=]The eternal battle rages on.[/url] [Edited on 07.25.2008 3:54 AM PDT]

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  • [url=]the Bungie decorative tree[/url] stosh was in charge of it. This is not making fun of that worn out "blame stosh" meme it really is making fun of a comment Mr_Hand made about how its stosh's responsibillity for WebCam 1, yeah thats the one the, the one with nothingness, and blurry nothingness at that

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  • Um i tried very hard to mek this so plz apreceate my work ihope u like it as much a s i doo. [url=]hear it is[/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] THE CHIEF 87 Just a Pwny flavoured bit of art... [url=]MLP Pro[/url][/quote] ^The best yet! *Hi I'm Sundance, and welcome to Major League Pwny* My head hurts from programming, and that just made my day!

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  • Looks good so far Ash. Where are you going to fit the SI? Doesn't seem like there's much room xD

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    Ok. I've had a go at sketching a very rough idea. I would like to do a full piece that isn't so rough and crappy, [i]but[/i], ever since my computer room flooded, I've been using a crappy laptop and this doesn't have photoshop or even a scanner... So I'm having to make do with a blue biro, a bit of paper and the camera on my phone... All excuses aside, here's my submission (until I can get a better one out). [url=]Sorry for the resolution and poor quality[/url] edit: needs less "suck", more polish and the superintendent. :( I think I'll do a full-colour, shaded, neat piece when possible (with the same basic premise and maybe some realistic perspective). [Edited on 07.25.2008 3:55 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheUseless0ne "The dog has a gun and refuses to take his medication." Best. Warning. Ever.[/quote] Thanks. Here's one I made of the [url=]Disembodied Soul[/url].

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SirWilliamRegis [url=]Beware of Ling Ling[/url] -Edit- This is a great thread with a lot of great work in it. It might not be a bad idea to pin the topic so it doesn't get lost in the back pages.[/quote] "The dog has a gun and refuses to take his medication." Best. Warning. Ever.

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  • [url=]Bungie Gothic[/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SniperStealth My first attempt at a vector. [url=¤t=Webmaster.png]Webmaster Vector[/url]. [/quote]Not bad. The webmaster was on my list for vectorin' but it looks like you did the work for me. Nice.

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  • Awesome, SS.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] devilsrevenge96 What did you make that with?[/quote]Adobe Photoshop CS3

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  • What did you make that with?

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  • My first attempt at a vector. [url=¤t=Webmaster.png]Webmaster Vector[/url].

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SirWilliamRegis [url=]The Battle of Bungie[/url][/quote] Now that's a [b]Sir[/b]iously sweet edit... so fun i'm savin it ;)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] impurity [url=]Indoor Decoration[/url] Thanks to aku for the help and to protospork for friggin' trying. <3 [i]edit: i just realized i am a moron and the soffish in the jar is magically invisible once inside the jar extra awesome[/i][/quote] :-)

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  • [url=]Indoor Decoration[/url] Thanks to aku for the help and to protospork for friggin' trying. <3 [i]edit: i just realized i am a moron and the soffish in the jar is magically invisible once inside the jar extra awesome[/i] [Edited on 07.24.2008 4:30 PM PDT]

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  • [url=]The Battle of Bungie[/url]

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  • look at the webcams

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  • Which ones are you looking for? -edit- I try not to use the webcams in photoshops, too low of quality. If you Google image search you should be able to find what you want. [Edited on 07.24.2008 1:49 PM PDT]

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  • It would be really helpful Stosh if you supplied some stock photos of all the Bnet characters. Because I'm having the damndest time trying to find good pictures of each one..

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  • [url=]Beware of Ling Ling[/url] -Edit- This is a great thread with a lot of great work in it. It might not be a bad idea to pin the topic so it doesn't get lost in the back pages. [Edited on 07.24.2008 12:44 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] S77E77V77E77N [url=]"Bad ass"[/url] [/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] adapterd [url=]Microsoft paint fun[/url] [/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] THE CHIEF 87 [url=]MLP Pro[/url][/quote] Sweet stuff guys... "Bad ass" is well... bad ass :) "M paint fun" is fun, you actually drew it all out yourself, nice "MLP Pro" is Seriously, bad ass fun

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SirWilliamRegis [url=]Marty leading his army[/url][/quote] You just gave me an awesome idea!

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  • Just a Pwny flavoured bit of art... [url=]MLP Pro[/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SirWilliamRegis [url=]Marty leading his army[/url][/quote] Ha ha ha ha ha! Nice! [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] S77E77V77E77N Here is mine. Sorry but i could only manage to put seven references into it but i find it appropriate. Also Stosh's keyword? [url=]"Bad ass"[/url] Sorry about the quality, it is a lot better than it looks, i just have no scanner so I used my camera.[/quote] Image quality excluded, the title suits. [Edited on 07.24.2008 3:46 AM PDT]

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