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11/26/2014 1:04:48 AM

exclusive content on dlc? bad move.

Now before people start commenting I'm going to say that I'm a playstation owner so I get the exclusive content. I also want to address the fact I know that they made a contract with Sony so they can't change what's already been done. That being said you should never put exclusive content in dlc's, this is kind of a rookie mistake. Why is that you ask? Well that's simple, Xbox users are going to be livid that they don't get the same amount of content or a lower price, so they won't buy it. Assuming this is paving a pattern for the rest of the dlc's that will include the new planets we're still waiting for like Jupiter and Saturn and all the dlc's individually will be 20 [spoiler]i didn't put the currency because it appears to be 20 for both dollars and pounds[/spoiler] you'll be losing over half your end sales on the Xbox. So next time stick to vanilla game exclusives if you want you dlc to sell across all platforms.

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