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10/26/2014 10:11:02 AM


Bungie, why in the hell of after so many years making this game, is there only one set of armour (excluding an exotic piece) that gets you to level 30? I mean come on! All this bullshit about "you can customise your character to your look" turns to shit after you hit level 20 because of the light system. The raid gear is not only horseshit to get because after the amount of times I've done on normal and hard I've only ever had a chest piece for my Titan, then the first time I do it with my hunter I get 3 weapons including patience and time, and 2 pieces of raid gear, it's bull, but not only that! It means everyone has to look the same! Just find a way to sort it out. Especially when you're charging another £35 on top of the original £45 for the dlc. This game will not be worth anywhere near £80 unless you fix all the things that matters and stop worrying about nurfs!

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