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10/23/2014 5:31:32 PM

Maybe I am old...but I just don't get it

I go to forums to pick up information, get new ideas on how to approach things, and to get the general pulse of a cross section of a community. Yet, when I visit these forums I see repeated troll postings and just general disdain spewed towards the OP or various people that post in a thread. What is the point? Why are people compelled to troll? Why is this term even apart of our daily vernacular? I enjoy this game...was it what I thought it was going to be? Hell no. Am I disappointed it hasn't yet lived up to the hype? Yes...but I have still got my $60 worth out of it. There have been some great people I have met along the way and I have had some fun experiences with. I just don't see the point of complaining and trolling. But again...maybe I am just an old bastard who doesn't understand.

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  • How old are you?

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    • Ure uh feg TROLLOLOL Umadbruh???? [spoiler]I'm just kidding but yeah I know what you're talking about... Too much trolling and complaining[/spoiler]

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    • Could just be your age. Kids these days are little -blam!-ing brats who will complain anywhere they can find an audience. It's like they survive off of attention which just so happens to coincide with trolling. Starve them with silence.

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    • It would be a bit better if the forums were cleaned up a bit more, but who am I? I've done my hare of complaining, but I have at the least attempted to make it as constructive as possible.

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    • I just wish we could all work to make the game better instead of crying about EVERY thing then insulting each other...what's the point of it? I mean it doesn't improve the experience in any way shape or form

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    • It comes from so many aspects. For one, the power of anonymity makes some feel like superman. Then you have the ones that have never been told "no" in their life. Then you have folks that are socially inept whom project on the boards. Plus, the sheep/Lemmings mindset entices people to say the negative because it grants them likes and people who want to jump on the same boat. It's a shame really. Humans have not evolved. The internet makes people feel safe to act a fool.

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    • Anonymity brings out the true nature of people. Those who are truly sincere and nice people, tend to keep their composer and act like their real life counterpart. Those who are truly morons will "act" the way they think society will best accept them in real life, then display their true nature behind closed doors. It's pretty been like this throughout humankind. The internet just reveals it on a grand scale.

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      • Because idiot little kids find enjoyment in annoying other idiot little kids.

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      • Understand that 80% of this community had the game bought for them by their parents.

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      • I'm 25 and I don't act like that. Your not old your just sensible. Lol.

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      • Think of it like Yelp. We all tried the product and all of its services and provide feedback. Many are simply warning others to stay clear of awful customer service or overhyped products. In a way, they are actually being helpful and care too much about others to avoid being as disappointed as they were. But you guys keep ignoring their sad yearning eyes and push them out of the way. It's a shame. Even I can't leave you guys wandering in this void, aimlessly, as the industries point and laugh. It's unjust and even more so to see what games are like now. Sincerely, Trolls <3

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        • Watch Idiocracy. That -blam!-ing movie is becoming more real every damn day....

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          5 Replies
          • Honestly, people are dicks. The majority of individuals talking shit on the 'net wouldn't do so in person. Anonymity provides a blanket of balls, they wouldn't have, otherwise. Granted, some folks would say the shit they say on the forum to someone in "real life", but a huge -blam!-ing chunk would not.

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            3 Replies
            • Agree with everything you just said.

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            • It's a maturity thing combined with a generation that doesn't have to face consequences for their actions due to anonymity. It's not unlike jerk drivers hiding behind their vehicular facades. Occasionally you get decent and courteous people, but usually you're faced with selfish pukes who act in ways they wouldn't dream of had they not been in a car.

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            • You should check out something like [url][/url] I found this place back during Halo 2 which allowed me to avoid the ridiculous forums here as well as asshats in the game

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            • If we dispose of all the trolls on the internet that would be 85% of my generation gone and i'm just fine with that. But I also hate trolls.

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            • 1
              It's called feedback in hope that something mediocre actually eventually archives at least some of the potential it had.

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              • Lack of parental supervision. Plain and simple. The internet has replaced television as the lazy parents babysitter.

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                4 Replies
                • Edited by IshihadoX: 10/24/2014 4:23:11 PM
                  Depends on the troll. Most people trolls posts rate around 3/10. Unimaginative and lame. Longface, one the other hand, does some brilliant and mostly funny trolls. So, I guess it depends, yes? Also, it's part of the daily vernacular because you are on the internet. It is where anonymity and lack of consequence rule all. So, trolling has been and always will be a part or online social media.

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                • Blame the tweens

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                • Trolls are all over the internet. These forums are actually very tame compared to most.

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                • Right there with ya'.

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                • The people complain on here, because Bungie does read the posts and they hope that whatever is bothering them will be addressed. Other times, it's merely to vent frustrations. Venting can be done in the form of satire (as long face is famous for) that makes humor but provides actual points, it can also just be an outlet. Unfortunately, for all the good, there is the bad. There are people who do go on forums (all forums suffer from this) just to cause mischief or arguments. A true troll, will make a thread that is obviously bait for an argument and never respond to the thread, merely watch. Others will throw in comments here and there to feed the fire. All one can do, is to merely ignore them the best you can.

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                  2 Replies
                  • You're not old, I'm young and completely feel the same way.

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                  • I will just not give them the attention and respond to their topic. I can accept someones opinion and appreciate those who have valid issues that can help the game but the person that blatantly says F... this game and anything like this is not worth my time of day. If everyone would just not respond to these individuals then they will eventually get the point hopefully. A bit of help from a Mod would be helpful also but I don't think they even exist.

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