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10/11/2014 9:13:04 AM

weapon system fundamentally flawed

I'll address a few problems and then a solution. One you're level 20+ there is no reason to use most anything you find or to buy anything ever. Nothing adds any true benefit except light and damage and the highest light/damage comes from exotics or raid gear. So no need to upgrade the old stuff. Don't waste your materials. In fact maybe even buy stuff from the shop just to break it down. It makes most of the objectives pointless. It's just a repeat of earning shards, and weekly raid/nightfall for gear. Nothing else that looks cool or does something I like is worth missing out on light. I want level 30. This also means there are a very limited number of permutations for level 30 players. We're all going to be fairly similar as there is limited choice in level 30 gear. Uncommon and rare items are all useless. So why even have them? Legendary armor is mostly useless just its weight in shards. So the solution. Make uncommon rare legendary and exotic weapons for every strength and level. Give items which are more rare more character upgrades, more unique methods of use which offer great rewards but also attributes which hold them back. This way I might opt for a more balanced uncommon chest over one that has some serious power but also an interesting weakness. Let me choose based on more than light. Armor of all rareness each with increasing predicaments to their use. The same thing with weapons. Right now the rarity is a baseline for damage, make each one capable of the highest damage if you can find it, but again make the uncommon simply do damage. The rare might add arc solar or void. The legendary might have some positives and negatives in how it effects your character or gameplay. And the exotic would have some very special features but would also leave them lacking in certain areas. Currently the color makes the scale. All colors should instead be on the full range of levels. Doing so would add more choice and decision making to the game. Bring back a use for buying things from the venders, and definitely increase the desire to do more than just raid farming. Thanks for reading it all if you got this far

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