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9/28/2014 7:52:18 AM

The Ten Commandments of the Traveler

These Ten Commandments are brought forth to us by the Traveler's holy martyr, "The Speaker". 1. Thou shall follow the will of your Ghost for it is the Will of the Traveler 2. Thou shall not speak of the time on your descent to "The Tower". The Traveler is taking time to prepare for you. 3. Thou shall Fear the vengeance of the Traveler if you disappoint in the holy battle of the crucible. (Especially if you refuse to capture control points. There shall be no solace.) 4. Thou shall not speak fallacies of the Traveler. 5. Thou shall not do anything to harm the reputation of greatness the Traveler has earned. 6. Thou shall not speak heresy of the Hunter's might electric blade. (To do so is to speak heresy of the Traveler, going against commandment four.) 7. Thou shalt realize the Traveler gives but will never taketh away. (If the omniscient devil wishes something gone you may not blame the Traveler when it is.) 8. Thou shall set aside two hours out of each day to pray and worship the Traveler. 9. Thou shall never trade goods. 10. Thou shall love the Traveler and except it as the only true God. In closing The Traveler is love. The Traveler is Life. The Traveler is Me.

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