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8/2/2014 11:04:50 AM

A few suggestions

After playing the Beta and spending a considerable amount of time hanging out on the forums and seeing other people’s ideas, I've gone ahead and compiled what I think are the best improvements that can be made between now and release. Discussion is welcome and encouraged. The Big Ones • Proximity chat in Tower/Strikes/Explore [spoiler]As a social game where cooperation is key, talking to our fellow Guardians is a necessity. Not all players have enough friends who are going to get Destiny to play the game to the fullest without meeting new people. And while you could always just invite the guy who did a funny dance to your Fireteam, a much better way to see if you’re going to get along with someone is to talk to them first. I say proximity chat because the game maps are just too big and populated to have to listen to everyone at once. I also exclude Crucible and Raids because they should simply have team chat, as explained below. Story is excluded because, in general, I feel like it would ruin the immersion of what should be a more private, cinematic experience.[/spoiler] • Team chat in Crucible and Raid [spoiler]This one is self-explanatory for me. In a team game, you need to communicate. To reduce the toxicity between opponents, don’t let the teams talk to each other before, during, or after the game. Make muting simple and fast. [/spoiler] • Seamless Fireteam creation (without having to return to orbit) [spoiler]This was needlessly frustrating in the beta. Since Fireteams are so important to the game, it should be much easier to drop in and out of them.[/spoiler] • Punishment for leaving Crucible matches early [spoiler]I’m devoting an entire thread to this since I think it’s one of the most pressing issues for this game, and for console games in general. The gist is that ruining the experience of others should be punished. [/spoiler] • Inclusion/accessibility [spoiler]This topic includes lots of things aimed at opening the game to a wider variety of people and helping everyone be comfortable and immersed in the experience. The list I’ve compiled includes the following: colourblind support (minimap and player names especially), left-handed view, full button mapping, and a wider range of skin tones and hair styles (especially adding some ethnic diversity). Also beards. They’re cool.[/spoiler] • Wider range of sensitivity [spoiler]The default sensitivity is painfully slow, but after turning it up a lot I was comfortable. Some of my friends who prefer it faster still found it annoying at max though. Also, we need to be able to change the sensitivity of the menu navigation cursor. Seriously, that thing was like sailing a boat through a sea of molasses.[/spoiler] • Aim assist toggle [spoiler]While debates rage about whether aim assist should be in the game at all (it’s a crutch for bad players and I hate it, it’s helpful and I love it, etc.), there’s no reason not to let players disable it if they don’t want it. I know plenty of guys who prefer to play without it.[/spoiler] • Lower kill requirements for Grimoire cards [spoiler]At least the Grimoire cards that reveal lore. It’s a neat idea to reward actions in-game with backstory that isn't totally necessary, but some of the kill requirements are silly. Keep the high kill counts as challenges rewarded with Grimoire points and experience/Glimmer, but respect the reality that lots of people have work and school and can’t afford that amount of time investment to receive a little piece of neat information.[/spoiler] • In-game purchases through companion app/website [spoiler]Building off some people having work and other responsibilities, adding a purchasing functionality to the app and website would allow players to still feel connected to the game without having to sit down and play it. With a constantly rotating stock in the stores, if that Solar damage sniper rifle that would really round out your kit comes up while you’re working, I know that many players would appreciate being able to snag it from our desks.[/spoiler] The Little Things • Guaranteed loot drops from bosses/minibosses [spoiler]It’s a little weird to kill bosses and not have anything drop from them, let alone a massive lootsplosion.[/spoiler] • Hand cannon buff [spoiler]There’s no reason to use them over a scout rifle. Maybe make you faster or have better accuracy in the air?[/spoiler] • Pulse rifle buff [spoiler]Really just a recoil reduction would make these viable. In the beta there was almost no situation where a pulse rifle was better than a scout rifle.[/spoiler] • Character recustomisation in Tower [spoiler]For those of us without the time to start a new character because we decided we don’t like our hair, it would be great to have the ability to change it later on.[/spoiler] • Manual flashlight toggle [spoiler]Some of them caves is dark, yo.[/spoiler] • Manual sound mixing [spoiler]I mean different controls for master, voices, music, and effects. Like if I want to play with my music going, but still want to hear everything else. Also, the ability to change between high and low dynamic ranges would be much appreciated.[/spoiler] • Cutscene skip [spoiler]They’re awesome the first few times. But sometimes you just want to replay a fun mission without the bells and whistles at the end.[/spoiler]

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  • The one about grimoire cards requiring too many kills is fine I think. If you play destiny a lot you'll get the cards eventually. The higher someones grimoire score is shows that they play a lot and are effective while doing so. I dont think there should be a punishment for leaving crucible matches early unless you do it a bunch of times in a short period of time. I say that b/c more than a few times in the beta my friends were either busy with other activities in the beta, had a full fireteam or just werent online. I attempted to play the crucible solo and I was thrown into a lot of games where my team was losing by over 5k. I dont wanna finish that game and risk my stats to go down.

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