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Moderator Finder + uStalk: Back online!

Moderator Finder and uStalk v1.2 The original Moderator Finder was written by kd5shw The new uStalk and Moderator Finder are written by jmh9072 and Firebird347 [b]STATUS: Moderator Finder: [url=]Online![/url] uStalker: [url=]Online![/url] MIRRORS: Gronfors's Mirror: [url=]Online![/url][/b] [url=]Greasemonkey Script v1.1-r50[/url] [u][b]What is it/How does it work?[/b][/u] This program finds each moderator's last post time and enters it into a database. Whenever a person accesses the site, a list is shown, organized by the last time a moderator has posted. The list is updated no more frequently than every 30 minutes. [u][b]Source Code[/b][/u] The source code for uStalk can be found on [url=]Google Code![/url] :) Feel free to play around with it and patches are very welcome if you have anything you'd like to add. The code is licensed under the New BSD License. If you use it or parts of it in another project, please give credit to the authors. At the time of this writing, the authors are jmh9072 and Firebird347. EDIT: Through the power of google, I have recovered the original post by kd5shw: [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] kd5shw Thanks to jmh9072 for hosting the site. The new modwatch can be found at [url][/url] [hr] The question has been brought up a lot. How do I report spam. Several answers are given. (gmail, irc, msn, pms) Each method has its own pros and cons, but the question that always comes up about the pm solution is how do I tell which moderator is online. Now we have an answer. I've given out this answer a couple times in the individual threads, but the threads keep popping up. So I've decided that I should create a thread about it so more people can see it. First a link: [url][/url] [u]So what is it?[/u] It is a list of moderators sorted, using a program I wrote, so that the last moderator to sign on is listed first. In the same row as the listed moderator is the time they last had activity on bnet. This time is the time that bnet servers use. I believe that is UTC -8, but I could be wrong. [u]How do I use it?[/u] I'll give an example. Say you see spam on bnet. Go to the site I linked above. Any mod that is on in the last 5 minutes(this isn't an exact figure use your judgement) can be considered 'online'. Then click on the avatar of the mod is online. This will bring you to the profille. Click on message user and send the message you want. If more than one moderator is online you can message them too by going back and clicking their avatar. Sending to more than one increases the chance of action being taken. [u]How well does it work?[/u] It works about as well as the online indicators on forums. I don't have access to the what sessions have been ended by logging out so there is some delay there compared to something that would be built into the site. [u]How did you do it?[/u] I wrote a program that downloads the moderator profiles and looks at the time stamp on the page. The program then does a sort on the list of moderators. If you want the source or the executable/batch files so you can run a local mirror or just so you can follow the code here is a link to the source/executables. [url][/url] Note that it uses information available to everyone on bnet. It just organizes the information.[/quote] NOTE: KD5's post was not edited at all in the interest of preserving his thread, and it should be noted that his original links no longer work. Also, some changes have been made since the New Hawtness that makes some of the information he wrote outdated. Currently, the program uses the date and time that the moderators last posted instead of the date and time they last loaded a page because the "Last Login" times are no longer shown in profiles. Any mod that has posted in the last 30 minutes can be considered online. It would be best to PM the ones that have posted fairly recently. [Edited on 07.04.2012 1:55 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ApocalypeX [url=]Screenshot 3[/url] [/quote] Noice. I see you've been doing some good work. Keep it up!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Clone Outcast [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ApocalypeX [url=]Screenshot 3[/url][/quote] How do I get?![/quote] You wait till I release it! (This week)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ApocalypeX [url=]Screenshot 3[/url][/quote] How do I get?!

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  • [url=]Screenshot 3[/url]

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  • Thats hawt. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ApocalypeX Just saying [url=]Screenshot 1[/url] [url=]Screenshot 2[/url] [/quote]

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  • Just saying [url=]Screenshot 1[/url] [url=]Screenshot 2[/url]

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  • Thanks, Firebird. That's really cool! [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Firebird347 Looks like the DNS entry for got deleted at some point. For now, you can just use:[url][/url]. To get to the moderator stalker. [url][/url] seems to still be working just fine for normal ustalking activity. [/quote]

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  • Looks like the DNS entry for got deleted at some point. For now, you can just use:[url][/url]. To get to the moderator stalker. [url][/url] seems to still be working just fine for normal ustalking activity.

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  • What happened? When I go to the ustalk website I get some hosting page.

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  • 0
    You need to add [url=]dmbfan09[/url]!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jmh9072 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Firebird347 Would any of the server admins be against replacing mysql with postgresql for the database backend? If so, I can implement use a generic database abstraction layer so you can choose mysql or postgresql, but if it's not necessary, it'll be less code to just replace. [/quote]Yes, I would object to this. Many common hosting services only support MySQL. However, I am fine with the idea of having the choice of both. I'll make getting the separate local settings stuff working a priority so the option can be set from there.[/quote] Sounds good. I'll look into splitting out the database to be a seperate layer in the code. Shouldn't be too bad hopefully. I might also upgrade from the base mysql_ functions to a newer mysql binding (mysqli) as long as I'm in there. Added as an enhancement in the bug tracker. [url=]Implemented local_settings support. (r25)[/url]. [Edited on 11.19.2010 2:32 AM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Firebird347 Would any of the server admins be against replacing mysql with postgresql for the database backend? If so, I can implement use a generic database abstraction layer so you can choose mysql or postgresql, but if it's not necessary, it'll be less code to just replace. [/quote]Yes, I would object to this. Many common hosting services only support MySQL. However, I am fine with the idea of having the choice of both. I'll make getting the separate local settings stuff working a priority so the option can be set from there.

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  • Would any of the server admins be against replacing mysql with postgresql for the database backend? If so, I can implement use a generic database abstraction layer so you can choose mysql or postgresql, but if it's not necessary, it'll be less code to just replace.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HALO3syourdaddy [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ExquisiteDragon Every time I click the greasemonkey script I get error messages. [/quote]Same here >.<[/quote]Odd. I could have sworn I had copied it back in after I did some restructuring in the svn. Oh well. It is back up now. Thanks for bringing that to my attention, guys. EDIT: Ah, now I remember what happened. I had intended to put it in the uStalk Google Code Project's downloads section but it never made it there. All fixed now. [Edited on 11.06.2010 11:56 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ExquisiteDragon Every time I click the greasemonkey script I get error messages. [/quote]Same here >.<

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  • Every time I click the greasemonkey script I get error messages.

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  • This makes me giggleface.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] skullkid3128 Heres another request for the To-Do list: On the setup page, the ability to changed the UID field. When I was setting up my Ustalk, I input the Member ID instead of the UID, so it was being displayed in correctly. I couldn't changed the UID field so I had to delete the user, and add them again.[/quote] My reasoning for making those boxes the way they are was so no one would inadvertently change the user's UID while they were changing something else, and I couldn't see any reason it would need to be changed at all. But I can see that as a legitimate use so I'll make that change. EDIT: By the way, anyone who wishes to, is comfortable with doing so, and has a Google account may report bugs/defects or request new features/enhancements right on the [url=]uStalk project issues page[/url] (a.k.a. my To Do List :D ). [Edited on 09.13.2010 3:21 PM PDT]

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  • Heres another request for the To-Do list: On the setup page, the ability to changed the UID field. When I was setting up my Ustalk, I input the Member ID instead of the UID, so it was being displayed in correctly. I couldn't changed the UID field so I had to delete the user, and add them again.

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  • I just used this for the first time to report a thread that was going unnoticed. This is really useful! Well done :3

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] skullkid3128 Yeah I requested it a while ago when it used to be up :) Thanks :D Also, another suggestion for a future script update is, to be able to set a individual Ustalks in Private groups. What I mean is in each different private group, be able to set a different UID. Not sure if its possible, but I thought I'd throw that idea out there.[/quote] I located the post, and it appears I did it for the main site but not the Greasemonkey script. :) Also, while I was searching yesterday, I stumbled upon our discussion about the group linking feature. That's still something I'd like to do, but there are some other things I need to do first. It's on my [url=]To Do List[/url]. [Edited on 09.13.2010 12:46 PM PDT]

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  • Yeah I requested it a while ago when it used to be up :) Thanks :D Also, another suggestion for a future script update is, to be able to set a individual Ustalks in Private groups. What I mean is in each different private group, be able to set a different UID. Not sure if its possible, but I thought I'd throw that idea out there.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ativan yeah the [url][/url] one gave me an error but the [url][/url] one is fine[/quote] [url][/url] (without stalk.php) will redirect you to the correct place. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] skullkid3128 Is it possible to get a small change with the Greasemonkey script and change its 12 hour time instead of 24hr?[/quote] I could have sworn I changed that a long time ago after someone else requested it. That version of the script must have been lost during the downtime. In any case, the answer is yes. :) [Edited on 09.12.2010 10:12 PM PDT]

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  • Is it possible to get a small change with the Greasemonkey script and change its 12 hour time instead of 24hr?

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  • yeah the [url][/url] one gave me an error but the [url][/url] one is fine

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  • Oooh, creepy ^_^

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