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DoD Beyond


原先發佈於:DoD Beyond
6/26/2015 2:18:23 AM

Clan Recruitment

Alright guys, I know some of you guys would like to join some of the other dads in other clans, or get them to join over here. We have no problem about that, but please understand that any clan recruiting posts will be shut down in clan forums(this even goes for Backwater, Canada, rocketsauce etc) it is simply not allowed because it takes away from the infrastructer that we are trying to create here for those in the clan already. If you would like to start a new DoD clan please head on over to the website and apply to be an official DoD clan, and any and all recruitment will be held on the forums there, and in the main DoD group forum on Please understand that we are not trying to silence anyone, or prevent those of you from joining a new clan. Thank you for reading this announcment, Happy hunting Guadians of the little lights. Nymphilis Admin-Beyond



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