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DoD Beyond


原先發佈於:DoD Beyond
由GrimAzrael編輯: 2/9/2015 10:52:01 PM

Group Walls

After a lot of internal discussion among the Admin team it has been decided that for better or worse the Group walls will be disabled. This will go into effect Tuesday night for the weekly reset. We did not make this decision lightly. When it was first brought to me about opening the walls I agreed to give it a shot as they had been problematic in the past. The walls have now killed the forums and made it near impossible for new members to find groups for runs. The walls were intended for quick LFG posts and group ups but have instead become a chat system and post are becoming buried under members conversations. The Admin team hopes that by disabling the Walls we can breathe new life back into the forums and help members get the help and information they need. [b]GrimmAzrael, Founder, PS3 Community Manager.[/b]



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  • Hi Grimm, Just wanted to give you an update on the live chat. It's being used pretty frequently, both the social and the lfg. similar to the wall, certain dads post while others either read em or skip due to the overwhelming amount of messages. I've noticed a drop in forum activity since the line chat got going though. this could be for several reasons and not directly influenced by the line chat. this could also be from the line chat being a separate app from the forum. just thought we should keep you informed.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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