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The Ashen Conflux

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由foxburton99編輯: 8/23/2018 9:45:49 AM

Nokris, the Mystery Hive

***THIS POST IS OUTDATED*** A NEW CORRECTIVE POST WILL BE MADE TO REPLACE THIS ONE Edit: [i]this post goes over the likelihood of each possibility of who Nokris could be, I am in no way saying that any of these are guaranteed to be Nokris' identity[/i] I've gotta tell you guys, I'm getting a little tired of seeing people in the forums making up stories about Nokris without any basis and with outlandish ideas. This post will describe all possible identities of Nokris and all that we know of this mysterious Hive. It will also ensure that I don't have to retype the same long answer every time somebody else asks about Nokris or makes up another poorly-thought-out background. Please read, as always I hope you all leave with more knowledge than you came with. _______________________________________ We know nothing about Nokris, not even if it is a he or she. All we have is a statue that shows Nokris is about as important to Oryx as Crota is, not even what morph Nokris is because the statues are not clearly defining (I've checked myself, thank you). The most likely option is that Nokris is Oryx's father, the Osmium King. The Osmium King is never named and is just as important to Oryx as Crota is. The only one I can think of that would be as important as Oryx's children and sisters is his father. Second is that Nokris is Oryx's mate. However, this theory can easily be put down by observing that mates are not significant to the family tree in Hive culture. Omnigul is not considered a part of Crota's family despite having his spawn and is only significant because she is his general, in the Books of Sorrow we see that the Mothers do not connect the family trees of their own relatives to the males that they mate with, and we also see that Oryx only considered it important to mention his children and not his mate. The only instance of a real relationship between mates is Alak-Hul and Verok, but nobody said anything about family ties, although it is possible Oryx's mate could have proven herself worthy of mention through killing. However, this would mean she would've become a member of his Court, meaning we would have encountered and killed her. Acknowledging that many people think Nokris is a child of Oryx erased from time: that is extremely unlikely, and I will tell you why. Oryx made a point of describing all of his children, and even says so himself that he describes all of them. Nokris was not mentioned here. Many people say that Nokris was there when the Vex entered Oryx's throne and was erased from time: wrong. Nokris would've been mentioned at that time in the BoS, the Vex did not have the ability to erase anything from time at that point in their existence, and even if they did they would have had to capture Nokris and take them to the Vault (which didn't exist yet). Now many would say "but if Nokris was erased then he wouldn't be remembered by Oryx or the Books of Sorrow". Then how come the statue is there? Oryx controls physics in his throne world, so if something is erased from time then there is a [i]possibility[/i] that any traces would remain in Oryx's realm. This means that if the statue remained, then so would any mention in the BoS. Therefore, Nokris would not be a sibling of Crota. But there is still always a possibility that this theory is correct, as it cannot be completely disproven without more information from Bungie. Many also think that Nokris may be Savathûn or Xivu Arath with a changed name. Why would Oryx make a statue of one sister and not the other? We know about the name changes of Aurash, Sathona, and Xi Ro, and that the names of Hive only change when they undergo a significant change/growth. Aurash was made to Auryx upon becoming the King of the Hive, and to Oryx upon becoming the Taken King. We also know that the names stay almost the same when changed, so how could you get Nokris from Savathûn or Xivu Arath? Also, we know Savathûn's name hasn't changed because the grimoire tells us Oryx still spoke with her. The only other possibilities are that Nokris is an important member of Oryx's Court or one of his sisters' children. But we've already faced all of Oryx's Court, so that's wrong, and what niece or nephew would be as important to Oryx as his own son? Nokris is not Eris. I shouldn't have to explain why, but if you believe it is so then comment and I'll tell you all the reasons why. Thank you for your time, that is all for today ______________________________________ Link to my Archive for more lore:



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  • Hey friend :) I heard some remark from the Ghost regarding the statue of Crota beside it that the statues were likely fashioned through some Hive spell, and speculation that the Vex erasure wouldn't be able to touch it as a result. The idea that Nokris may be Aurash's father, King of the Osmium Throne is an interesting theory that I haven't heard before. You think that Oryx would count Crota as an equal to his frail father who was slain by Taox? I don't follow that idea, what backing do you have for the theory?



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    • Just speculating, but for the brother theory, he may not have been mentioned by oryx, but isn't that because he has been erased from time? He has been COMPLETELY erased, meaning he never existed either, so no one would remember him because he never existed. That could be why oryx didn't mention him, because he didn't know he existed. Just a thought.



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      • Nokris is hive that forgot to pay the Vex mafia back. The worst part is Crota open the door and let them in! You had one job Crota! One. Job!



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        • If anyone didn't know Nokris was Oryx's father, they need to look at how the statues work lmao. It works the exact same way in most ancient kingdoms, or better, imagine that episode of Futurama where Fry becomes Emperor and the pictures go from left to right



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          • Did you just asume his gender?



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          • 0
            I know a story about Nokris. As soon as Bungie get enough preorders for D2 he will be ripped out and sold to us as DLC. The end.



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          • Dreadfang subtext: "Kingly brother, I thank you for the gift of your failure. The sword logic demands a pinnacle." Could this be related to Nokris?



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          • Pretty sure you just did what you were asking people not to do: jump to conclusions.



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            • Just a guess but what if Nokris was like Malok, but he came from Oryx instead?



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              1 回覆
              • You do realize hive wizards are female it says so in the lore. That was one of the biggest jokes in year 1.



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                23 回覆
                • I think it is Croats son and crota did what oryx did to him as some sort of ritual and sent him through time or a portal to "either return victorious or [b][u]die forgotten[/u][/b] he has not returned and will only be remembered if he victorious and is why he is not in the BOS



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                  • To be honest probably just another plot line Bungie through in as a teaser. Probably will be explained more in future games or expansions. Nothing to formulate too many theories on. However I do appreciate this post, I was getting the same feeling with all the theory posts lol



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                  • Nokrikri is the knight hidden off to the side in the Crotas End raid. You start running toward the first lamp, take a right and he's in the cave



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                  • 由Moltrase98編輯: 5/2/2017 6:13:46 AM
                    He's the hive version of Chuck Norkis



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                    • I had a theory that he was a great son of Oryx who eventually sided with the light. He knew his worm would eventually consume him, but tied to do what was right.



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                    • Personally I susbscribe to the Nokris as sibling of Crota, it's the only other one that makes even a little sense. For one, I think it logical for an [i]equal[/i] of Crota to be put in that same location rather than his superior, a former king. Second, what would be the reason for his name to be missing from not only the BoS, but also the World's Grave database and every other source the ghost can find? You do make a good counter to the point about Nokris not being erased from time, I certainly can't disprove it. That said, I don't now if we can put the actual physical structure of the Dreadnought (which the statue is part of, and close to the throne-world-inverting superweapon at that) and the BoS definitively in the same category. (And while I fully admit it's a weak argument, we don't have a complete copy of the BoS either.) The books we have are presumably not the originals written in Orxy's own hand. Honestly I'm not sure what the lore explanation of how we came to have them is, I assume that the calcified fragments are akin to some kind of storage media from which we extract the books. Regardless, the BoS and the dreadnought are not inexorably linked and it's not impossible that what basically amounts to a copy of the Hive bible could have been affected by Vex shenanigans.



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                      • Myelin or MyNameIsByf are the go to guys on any of this stuff



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                      • I read the BoS and don't remember mention of Nokris though that was a while ago when I read them. I'm not a lore expert or anything but I don't remember hearing this name at all until I stumbled on this thread just now. Where all is this creature mentioned and where is this statue? Been playing since Y1 and never heard about any of this.



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                        2 回覆
                        • its saw her eyes during the end cut scene in the regicide mission..... [spoiler]ITS GOTTA BE ERIS[/spoiler]



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                          8 回覆
                          • You don't get to fight them. Sus suskksuck



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                          • It's not in the game. I don't care



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                            4 回覆
                            • [quote]I've gotta tell you guys, I'm getting a little tired of seeing people in the forums making up stories about Nokris without any basis and outlandish ideas. This post will describe all possible identities of Nokris and all that we know of this mysterious Hive. It will also ensure that I don't have to retype the same long answer every time somebody else asks about Nokris or makes up another poorly-thought-out background. Please read, as always I hope you all leave with more knowledge than you came with. _______________________________________ We know nothing about Nokris, not even if it is a he or she. All we have is a statue that shows Nokris is about as important to Oryx as Crota is, not even what morph Nokris is because the statues are not clearly defining (I've checked myself, thank you). The most likely option is that Nokris is Oryx's father, the Osmium King. The Osmium King is never named and is just as important to Oryx as Crota is. The only one I can think of that would be as important as Oryx's children and sisters is his father. Second is that Nokris is Oryx's mate. However, this theory can easily be put down by observing that mates are not significant to the family tree in Hive culture. Omnigul is not considered a part of Crota's family despite having his spawn and is only significant because she is his general, in the Books of Sorrow we see that the Mothers do not connect the family trees of their own relatives to the males that they mate with, and we also see that Oryx only considered it important to mention his children and not his mate. The only instance of a real relationship between mates is Alak-Hul and Verok, but nobody said anything about family ties, although it is possible Oryx's mate could have proven herself worthy of mention through killing. However, this would mean she would've become a member of his Court, meaning we would have encountered and killed her. Acknowledging that many people think Nokris is a child of Oryx erased from time: that is [i]completely[/i] wrong, and I'll tell you why. Oryx made a point of describing all of his children, and even says so himself that he describes all of them. Nokris was not mentioned here. Many people say that Nokris was there when the Vex entered Oryx's throne and was erased from time: wrong. Nokris would've been mentioned at that time in the BoS, the Vex did not have the ability to erase anything from time at that point in their existence, and even if they did they would have had to capture Nokris and take them to the Vault (which didn't exist yet). Now many would say "but if Nokris was erased then he wouldn't be remembered by Oryx or the Books of Sorrow". Then how come the statue is there? Oryx controls physics in his throne world, so if something is erased from time then there is a [i]possibility[/i] that any traces would remain in Oryx's realm. This means that if the statue remained, then so would any mention in the BoS. Therefore, Nokris cannot be a sibling of Crota Many also think that Nokris may be Savathûn or Xivu Arath with a changed name. Why would Oryx make a statue of one sister and not the other? We know about the name changes of Aurash, Sathona, and Xi Ro, and that the names of Hive only change when they undergo a significant change/growth. Aurash was made to Auryx upon becoming the King of the Hive, and to Oryx upon becoming the Taken King. We also know that the names stay almost the same when changed, so how could you get Nokris from Savathûn or Xivu Arath? Also, we know Savathûn's name hasn't changed because the grimoire tells us Oryx still spoke with her. The only other possibilities are that Nokris is an important member of Oryx's Court or one of his sisters' children. But we've already faced all of Oryx's Court, so that's wrong, and what niece or nephew would be as important to Oryx as his own son? Thank you for your time, that is all for today ______________________________________ Link to my Archive for more lore:[/quote] And who make u a expert? Such arrogance



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                              19 回覆
                              • Good theory seeing as how we've encounter spawn of his siblings



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                              • Good stuff. Ive always wondered about nokris.



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                              • You do realize hive wizards are female it says so in the lore. That was one of the biggest jokes in year 1.



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                                3 回覆
                                • I like to think of him as the nameless king of destiny. A character that betrayed the royal family and was metaphorically lost to time.



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