This is a serious concern of national security because gays getting married makes it 65% more difficult for straight couples to marry (Fox), and that can seriously hurt morale when fighting King Obama's wars of aggression.
Also, I'm kidding, no need for butthurt :3
Marriage needs to leave the hands of the state. Plain and simple. Fact is, I have no concern for what consenting adults do in their private time. However, there are still Americans who consider marriage a religious pact and ceremony. Too many individuals completely ignore this concern because they have no sympathy for those evil redneck dumb-blam!- ignorant homophobic sexist racist Republitards, am I right? Legally speaking, I don't support gay marriage, but I don't support straight marriage either. Can't wait to hear those comments declaring such a belief some sort of "Libertarian-Social Conservative loophole" like I've heard plenty on Liberal-thriving forums.
If gay marriage is passed where is the separation of church and state, when all these homosexual marriages demand church's that don't recognize gay marriage recognize THEIR gay marriage? Also much like Justice Scalia said, "How can you expect us to make a judgment on something that is newer than cell phones and the internet? My opinion is it won't get passed based simply on Scalia's points. BUT, what they will probably say is let it rest on the results in California. What were those results? The people said NO to gay marriage but a gay judge over ruled the will of the people. So gay marriage will continue do to corruption and communistic rule.
由OaklandPaintbalr編輯: 3/27/2013 4:20:00 PMPlease read my post in its entirety before commenting. I worry about the future of our country. Any accurate reading of the Bible should make it clear that gay rights goes against the plain truth of the Word of God. Man, in overstepping the boundary lines that God has drawn by making special rights for gays and lesbians, has taken another step in the direction of inviting the Judgment of God upon our land. This step of gay rights is but another stepping stone toward the immorality and lawlessness that will be characteristic of the Last Days. This ordinance represents a denial of all that we believe in and no one should force it on us. It's not that we don't care about homosexuals. But it's that our rights would be taken away and un-christian views will be forced upon us and our children, for we would be forced to go against our personal morals. Outside government agents are endeavoring to disturb God's Established Order. It is not in line with the Bible. Do not let people lead you astray. The liberals leading this movement do not believe the Bible any longer but every good, substantial, Bible believing, intelligent orthodox Christian can read the Word of God and know what is happening is not of God, When you run into conflict with God's Established Order you have trouble. You do not produce harmony. You produce destruction and trouble and our city is in the greatest danger it has ever been in its history. The reason is we have gotten away from the Bible of our forefathers. You see, the right of racial segregation... Wait a minute. Hold on... The Right of Segregation is clearly established by the Holy Scriptures both by precept and example... ........ Oops. I'm sorry. I've brought the wrong notes with me this evening. I've borrowed my argument from the wrong century. It turns out what I've been reading to you this whole time are direct quotes from White preachers from the 1950's and the 1960's all in support of racial segregation. All I have done is simply take out the words “racial integration” and substituted it with the phrase “gay rights”. Everything you have read above was the argument used to defend Racial Segregation. I guess the arguments I've been hearing around the USA lately sound so similar to these that I got them confused. I hope you will not make the same mistake. I hope you all will stand on the right side of history this time. Support gay rights. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=A8JsRx2lois
I saw Fox in your tags and immediately clicked. Anything Fox News says or does is hilarious by default.
由PieR0mancer編輯: 3/27/2013 8:34:08 PMAmerica: where gay marriage is a threat to everyone, and guns are a threat to no one. Also: If the Supreme Court opposes gay marriage, haters will be able to celebrate by firing their weapons in the air
How did homosexuality even start? Who were the first two gay people? Why/how did they become gay? SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME!!!
I think everyone would appreciate it if the USA were a little bit gayer. #GayRights2014
Still don't support it. Probably never will. If they do legalize it everywhere, then k. Still don't support it.
3 回覆
America is for the free and right of happiness, it should be allowed to marry whoever you want. I should not be anyone's business unless they are being physically hurt. That's my op