Any favorites?
LotR is probably my number 1. I also really like Halo 4 and Portal 2, which is a [url=http://www.thinkwithportals.com/music.php]free download[/url].
In terms of OST's, Cowboy Bebop generally has quality music (and I've never even seen a full episode of it...). I could be even more boring and nominate Blade Runner's soundtrack.
LOTRs soundtrack is near perfection. Other soundtracks I love are the Golden Sun Ost (A GBA RPG), Mass Effect, Halo, Skyrim's ost is pretty amazing, YS: TAON ost (A PSP/PS2 RPG). I could go on, with Anime ost and Movies and more games. But those are the ones that come to mind straight away.