[url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/09/illinois-gop-gay-marriage_0_n_2843698.html]Link to article talking about it[/url]
For those who don't know, Illinois may soon be another state that allows gay marriage. The bill passed the senate and will soon be up for voting in the house, which will be tough for it to pass since the House is more conservative, and most of the GOP is against gay marriage. They are so against it that members of the party where going to have a meeting to consider firing the Illinois GOP Party Chairmen because he spoke out in favor of the bill, and only stopped because they lacked the votes necessary to do so.
Some you may be surprised why the bill would have to go through such difficulty to pass since Illinois always swings democrat in the presidential elections. Well that's because Illinois is pretty much a red state, [url=http://graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/images/1min/elections/2010/state/IL_governor_375.png]here is an example of what I mean by that, this map shows the election results during Illinois last governors race. Pat Quinn, a Democrat won the election even though he only did well in four county's out of 102. Why is that you ask? Well take a look at the county in the top left and see what city falls in it, it's Chicago. [/url]
If Chicago did not exist, Illinois would pretty much be a red state, so that's why the gay marriage bill is experiencing so much resistance right now since a lot representatives come from those red counties, and many of those counties are rural farming towns which tend to be very conservative.
Illinois is very much like Pennsylvania; the cities' suburbs are usually riddled with good schools and liberal-leaning districts while everything else (ie Pennsyltucky) is basically the Styx. The only difference is here in PA we have Appalachia in the East and.... ugh.
Coming from someone who lives just outside Chicago, Chicago and the surrounding suburbs are really the only good part of Illinois. It's really a completely different state outside the area.