So everyone thinks, Bungie removed Gjallahorn from Xur's inventory and he will never sell it again, because it's too powerful. Everyone refers to video of 4 people shredding Atheon in 17 seconds. But, I've never seen someone try this with Hunger of Crota. 5 people will kill Atheon with same speed, so Gjallahorn != OP
Problem solved
由Lagnetic編輯: 1/23/2015 5:05:47 PM
由Doc SoCal編輯: 1/23/2015 5:06:31 PMEveryone is speculating, nothing more. A "few weeks" is "forever" here and "not today" means "never".... Kids and kid like expectations followed by kid like reactions when those expectations are not met, even though they were never promised...... Its a shame so many adults are behind em... At least a kid has an excuse for acting like that...
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