How would this happen? Through metal, fire, and chemical weapons? Through an event so horrible, so costly to life that all men were to come together as brothers?
EX: The war to end all wars
Or maybe peace? We see our own weaknesses and shortcomings in turn are willing to understand and accept those In others?
What about you flood? Thoughts?
Edit: No human nature shit. How YOU vision an end to war.
If i would rule a great army with an army bigger the usa and rusia i would wage war on the whole world and in the end all others unite and ill die so heres world peace
If our nature as humans no longer caused war, if I could end war: [spoiler]> Simulated in real-time battlefields, using real terrain, but digital weaponry. > Each victory/loss in these simulated conflicts would impact on politics and other things. > Nobody dies; war is simulated, a video-game worked on consistently by everyone in some way. > 3rd-world countries get technologies, situations resolved. > Peace ensues, as the outlet for violence is now digital and influential. > Other developments, such as exploring the unexplored, become more higher priority, along with portals, space travel, and abandoning petroleum for more sustainable sources of energy. > Power (rights, etc...) becomes more flexible and manageable, whilst granting people the ability to impact and change, with rules keeping it beneficial to the majority. > Is possible, if we build robots with reasonable thinking and ability, that the machines would do what I just said in greentext.[/spoiler]
由ANGRY ASIAN 500編輯: 12/7/2014 1:56:22 PMI think the leaders of countries should fight each other to decide problems or at least be on the front lines. A lot of wars would be avoided if people saw the consequences of their actions.
由SPATIN NINJA13編輯: 12/6/2014 8:07:27 PMWar is the most terrible thing in this world and should be avoided at all costs , but there will never truly be an end people will always fight about something and one side will turn to violence instead of talking it out peacefully with the other side .
The only way for man to unite would be the introduction of a common enemy. Even then, that would only start a new, bloodier war. You cannot end war. It is in our very nature as aggressive creatures.