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11/12/2014 5:08:29 PM

About Destiny 2 and DLC

Don't know why, but I thought I might put it on here after seeing another thread about Destiny 2 pop up. I know part of the DLC is probably stuff cut out of the game (although there is no proof of that), but I'd like to point out that the DLC has been in the planning from the start. Same goes for Destiny 2. If you look at the link, it shows the release plan for the Destiny-franchise in the Bungie/Activision contract. It states that there will be 4 games, 4 expansions (called 'Comets') and Activision can release more dlc. We got Destiny and Destiny 2 is in development. We got 2 expansion DLC on the way. Seeing as the DLC has not been called 'Comet' or anything other than DLC, according to the releaseplan it's safe to assume we should get a big expansion somewhere next year. This is also what the 500 million dollar was for and the Destiny game we have now was never meant to last and be supported for 10 years. Maybe most people didn't know about this, or just forgot about it because whining, but I just thought of putting it here. I know the game is a let-down in many ways, but at the same time I feel like the negativity is exaggerated. That is all. Now go get 'em, Guardians. :)



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