原先發佈於:DoD Beyond
Welcome to the Fourth Clan in the Official Dads Of Destiny PS3 Alliance. I will try to get you an Admin team and news post as soon as possible. Be sure to join Backwater and the other PS3 groups as well to keep up on all the great happenings around here.
PS3 Alliance Founder, GrimmAzrael
由BERBERICK-編輯: 10/24/2014 8:47:06 PMI'm level 25 hunter blade dancer. Dad of three great kids on east coast. I play most night 10pm to around 1am. I'm up for anything prefer PVE,strikes,and raids. I have a mic and my aim is true. Thanks for your time and consideration. ID BERBERICK- Name Danny Age 38 Kids 2 boys 4, 2, and 1 girl 12 going on 21 Location North Coralina PSN BERBERICK
I most definitely need some other dads to play with. Guys who don't mind hearing a baby screech in the background or a kid asking a million questions lol. Most of the people i play with now don't have kids and they don't cut me much slack. PSN is JPM7585 on PS3. Lvl 28 titan and i usually play in between 9pm and 1am cst. Feel free to add me, definitely need serious VoG players.
Greetings all!. I have joined the Dads Of Destiny main site, and sent in a request to join your PS3 clan. I am leveling a Warlock Sunsinger. I too am a father. Feel free to send me a Friends request, just be sure to add ( DOD ) so I know who you are. My [b]PSN[/b] ID is [b]TheOccultist[/b]. I look forward to gaming with you all.
Greetings all, just joined up tonight after searching for a group without the demanding schedule. The idea of DoD is brilliant. I hope to be able to contribute when I can, and hopefully in a good way! I usually get online Saturday and Sunday between 0600-1400 Central time (if I beat the kids to the controller) and any other time my Commander (aka wife) allows. PSN name is the same as the forum name here, so please add me if you like!
Hey everyone! Had to sneak some time at work to check out the forums. Newish to Destiny with a lvl 20 Warlock. Play some with my son who's a lvl 7 Titan. Time is tight for me, but I play 9-11 central time every night and during the day on the weekend (23 mo old keeps me from playing anymore). I prefer the PvE but am getting a bit more used to PvP. Hope to fight along side you guys soon!
Been in the DoD alliance since I got on Destiny and have been trying to get in to a ps3 clan...Done. I am a mere lvl 22 titan striker. open to any cooperative play. New to online gaming, just upgraded to ps3 from ps2 so that should tell you all you need to know. I have a headset and usu. play between 5 and 8pm central time. Never used my headset but would really like to take advantage and work with some people on raids, strikes whatever. PSN ID DwightFryebrain. Shoot Straight!
由JohnQBucky編輯: 10/21/2014 10:25:47 PMWelcome all! I'm a Lvl25 Warlock from Backwater -- grinding to level up a little more so I can participate in the nightfalls and VoG runs in the near future! Have a mic and terrible aim. If you want some company on a fireteam, feel free to add me and invite! PSN - JohnQBucky
I just joined as well. I am a lvl 26 bladedancer PSN deadnuts-. I am on the east coast, I have a busy schedule but usually play a few hours every night between 9 and midnight. I'm hoping to team up and do some endgame stuff, raids/nightfall strikes and whatnot, with a small sprinkle of PvP from time to time. I have a headset. I'm at work but I'll send a few requests later tonight when I get home.
Hey grimm I was looking to be in the unknown but damn if this is the fourth then I take it that's full. Im 37 dad of 2 one is 5 yrs old. Husband blue collar worker. Ex navy. Little clan running experience in my later years lol... iGameOrDie Xbox360. Recently back to ps3 and remembering what home feels like. Xbox for 7 years. .. anyhow lvl 28 warlock lvl13 hunter lvl 2 titan. .. the first two are my babies. My daughter& I made the hunter to look like her mom. Well my daughter made her basically. Anyhow. Got some time on my hands but not allot I play from about 9pm est till midnight most days. Got a clan for me? IKrossConsole psn
Really looking forward to making friends and meeting new people! I've got lv 27 warlock, 24 bladedancer, and 22 defender. My PSN is dru_hill420. (Yes it's an old PSN Id) Add me for strikes, raids or pvp. Still haven't done vog yet. Really looking forward to it