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由Shadow Amber編輯: 10/20/2014 2:45:00 AM

Hidden Message in the Vault of Glass

I found this while in the VoG. It looked like it had been carved with a knife, but the words were legible enough. Horrifyingly though, I found myself gaining new understanding from the last message of this lost Guardian, understanding of things I was not meant to know. I can hear them now, skittering like great insects in the corners of my vision. No matter what anyone else says, I'm not going back in that pit. [i]Perhaps, little Raider, you might see me as you pass by. Behind the door of the great Vault of Glass I sit in silence, trapped as punishment for my good deeds. Once, I was a Guardian like you, a lone wolf who preferred the company of his talking Heavy Machine Gun, until the fateful day came that I took it up upon myself to aid the brave many who plunged deep into the accursed Vault of Glass. Oh, I was beautiful. Vex fell in droves before my hail of bullets, and before the hour was up, two teams had crossed the threshold. This was where it all went wrong. In my curiosity, I crossed over the threshold alone as it closed, intent on discovering how far I could traverse before I reached an insurmountable obstacle, and in time, I came across one. A great pit, infinite in depth, stretched before me, mocking my effort. Dejected, I returned to the threshold in hopes of seeking a greater challenge in the wilderness, only to find that the great curved door would not open from within! Now you see my plight, little Raider. The Vault is a trap, a sinister hell from which Atheon rules as God, undying and eternal. Not men nor weapons nor armor is enough to halt his unending resurrection. Hear my story, little Raider, and remember, just because a door may open does not mean treasure lies beyond it.[/i] [spoiler]A little (true) story about why free-roam should allow for instantaneous jumps to story missions instead of going to orbit. To those teams who I aided, I wish you good luck on your journey. To Bungie, please fix this, because I'm gonna do it again and again and again and again until it happens.[/spoiler]



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