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由ARC Trooper Nox編輯: 10/16/2014 3:45:49 AM

Got your names mixed up

Grimoire > Enemies > Vex Precursors - Sol Primeval Descendants - Sol Imminent The names in game based on the pictures are flopped. When fighting the Dark Heart in the Black Garden mission, the second boss has the big circular head, the one on the Grimoire card for Precursors - Sol Primeval but is called the Imminent Mind and the last boss has the oddly shaped head on the front of the Descendants - Sol Imminent Grimoire card but is called the Primeval mind. Same thing in the Vault of Glass. The shiny, futuristic Vex are called Precursor and the older looking ones are called Descendants. Here's links to YouTube videos of both for reference. [url=]Dark Heart[/url] [url=]Vault of Glass[/url] - They get to Venus and fight Descendants around 6:50 So which one is actually supposed to be correct?



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