So this is supposed to be a "Community" based game. yet the only way to socialize with people is to have them in your fire team. I know it must be way outside of the Bungie vision to have people actually socialize in a social game. but having I don't know area chat thorough out the game wouldn't hurt. As of right now its just a pointless room for aesthethics and nothing more. Wait except a place for Xür to go to. Lets see a nice way to add Mute chat functions to both platforms. say hold down L3 & R3 for 3 seconds to have a mute screen come up. Give the options of mute all, mute all except fireteam or mute single players. Nah can't have that people might grief each other over mic. There is so much potentional for this game but it seems half baked or over thought to the point that it crippled itself. Between the lack of social functions and the unrewarding loot system I don't know where Destiny has been shot in the foot more.