I understand why the Crucible and Vanguard points must be limited. So if I hit the limit, I will wait to complete a bounty linked to those points.
So I had 4/5 matches done for the Crucible "Salvage" game mode and I decided to wait for the server to reset so that when I finished the final match, I would earn points towards the limit while completing the bounty. But the "Salvage" game mode was taken away. It didn't state that there was an expiration or time limit on the bounty. It didn't state an expiration for the game mode on the game mode description. There weren't any warnings in the Crucible.
It seems like such a simple thing that someone in the development team could have implemented before launching the game. Did no one from QA mention this? Or did you not include rotating game modes during testing?
Some of us aren't in the game industry so we don't live and breathe entertaiment. Others of us aren't 9 year olds but we enjoy playing video games for an hour or two a day. Not all of us want to read your blog posts, read through game guides, read through 100+ pages and articles on your website. It wasn't listed as a requirement on the back of the game, and if you keep making it a requirement, I can see why a class action lawsuit may pop up.