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由Newttroop67編輯: 9/25/2014 3:27:46 PM

Naming Schemes

I believe I'm am not the only one who has noticed the naming schemes for the different enemy factions. Hive=Fantasy/Medieval Cabal=Greco-roman Vex=Fantasy Monsters So I pose the question why you changed the naming scheme for vex in the vault of glass? Praetorians are not monsters, they are Roman imperial guards, therefore it stands to reason that praetorian should have been the name for a Cabal elite, not Vex. I don't know what you would change the name to in return, I believe it's quite silly to change a name for something that has the same model as the Minotaur. Another issue with the VoG naming scheme would be the Templar, A name I definitely find more fitting in for the Hive, possibly a much stronger knight or knight boss. Suggestions for replacement names greatly appreciated.



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