Hey guys. First off were not super try hard.. Obviously we wanna do good and get the best shit and wreck some kids in the crucible.. But first and foremost we just wanna have fun with this awesome game. We're always willing to help loot farm, level, strikes and build toward raiding. Just a group of gamers looking to have some fun and get some cool shit along the way.
You can add InkedDnA13 and DarthAgrius on Xbox one and join the clan by clicking here ! http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Xbox/379100 - The FourHorsemen welcome everyone !
See you all soon !
5 回覆
Looking to join a clan on xbox one, I have a mic and am on most nights to run anything. I am currently running a lvl 28 warlock ready for raids or pvp. My GT is WB Mortais.
Vault of Glass completed! Thanks to those who joined in tonight and helped in the defeat of the Vault minions. That final boss is one hell of a fight. Thanks again for the invite to this clan, we have some sick gamers in here.
由ghost h4v0kzer0編輯: 9/27/2014 10:19:54 PMHey everyone, I am looking to get a squad together tonight for either a shot at the raid or the weekly Nightfall. Thinking about starting a little later tonight around 9-11pm EST. I am a 28 Warlock with both classes maxed and 3 exotic weapons. I have a friend who might join as well, he is a 27 hunter. Need to have a mic so we can communicate, but other than that I am open to anyone playing and hope to get someone who has already gotten through some of the raid. Reply on here ill be checking back all night, or my GT is ghost h4v0kzer0 feel free to friend me and send me a message in game. Hope to see yall planetside Guardians!
Lvl 29 warlock/27 titan looking for a good active clan that has success with raids,nightfalls etc. Iv got raid experience. An have done all nightfalls with success. If you haven't reached your 100 member cap I'd be interested in joining an kicking ass
由Al Simmons67編輯: 9/26/2014 3:44:15 PM
[quote]Hey guys. First off were not super try hard.. Obviously we wanna do good and get the best shit and wreck some kids in the crucible.. But first and foremost we just wanna have fun with this awesome game. We're always willing to help loot farm, level, strikes and build toward raiding. Just a group of gamers looking to have some fun and get some cool shit along the way. You can add InkedDnA13 and DarthAgrius on Xbox one and join the clan by clicking here ! http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Xbox/379100 - The FourHorsemen welcome everyone ! See you all soon ! DarthAgrius[/quote] 25 titan. Gt lil vampire lil
Level 21 warlock. My GT is master canz. I play on Xbox one when I'm not at college and 360 when I am.
LVL 27 Hunter, play in the evenings & weekends (EST). Looking to do whatever, though particularly anything without in-game matchmaking (Raid, Weekly Strikes, Queen's Bounty). I have a mic. GT is: StrangerStill79. I've added you and Inked to my Friends list. Thanks!
2 回覆
Hi lv 24 warlock looking to join, about ready to try some raids or get farming some exotics.. Gt is WalnutBarracuda
[quote]Hey guys. First off were not super try hard.. Obviously we wanna do good and get the best shit and wreck some kids in the crucible.. But first and foremost we just wanna have fun with this awesome game. We're always willing to help loot farm, level, strikes and build toward raiding. Just a group of gamers looking to have some fun and get some cool shit along the way. You can add InkedDnA13 and DarthAgrius on Xbox one and join the clan by clicking here ! http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Xbox/379100 - The FourHorsemen welcome everyone ! See you all soon ! DarthAgrius[/quote] Hey I'm looking to build a large fireteam for the Vault of Glass
Lvl 28 Warlock, just joined. Looking for people to raid with. Have both classes maxed and a stockpile of legendary and exotic weapons. GT is ghost h4v0kzer0