Bungie's new shooter is having a strong, positive reception from the players, pushing out an impressive user score on Metacritic of...
This score puts Destiny in the ranks of other critically acclaimed triple-A shooters, like Lost Planet 2, Killzone 2, and Homefront!
由Progo編輯: 9/11/2014 4:39:27 PMOh man, people are taking this too seriously lol. From the perspective of someone who prefers run-and gun games, Destiny is merely comparable to borderlands. But I'm in it for more than just shooting things. For artistic quality of game: 9.5 For gameplay: 8 For PvP: 7 For PvE: 8
If you need someone else to tell you how you feel about a game you're an idiot. If you get upset about someone else's opinion of a game you're an even bigger idiot.
I'm actually glad it's low so all the butthurt COD and BF fans go away forever. News flash: Destiny does not need you!
To be fair, homefront was awesome and user reviews can't be trusted because all types of people can review it. 1. Butthurt people who can't seem to grasp how the game works 2. butthurt xbox users who are still sore over PS4 exclusive content. 3. CoD gamers have been known to intentional lower scores of games that aren't CoD games (they did it with battlefield) 4. Butthurt halo fans who feel bungie "Betrayed their xbox fanbase"
Reading a metactitic user score average and taking it for a representative score is pretty misguided.
I'd give it an 8 out of 10. I'm really enjoying the game. The game hadn't reached its full potential and it won't for some time. We know this is a ten year project. I'm looking forward to what's next in the destiny storyline. The game does need some tweaks and I would love to see the addition of open comms when you're in proximity of someone else, that would make it a bit more realistic. I would also like to see them put in some kind of combat roll or mini teleport for dodging incoming fire. Sometimes strafing isn't enough. Other than those minor things I'm loving this game, I see many a wasted hour at the helm of my guardian.
The lower user score is most definitely from the PC elitist jerks who are all butt hurt they can't play. Along with a lot of negative post on here from those who haven't even played it yet.
The user score is useless. Bungie made a lot of people mad with this game and I guess now its payback. Read the zeros - there's guys giving it a zero because the game didn't release on pc, others are taking the xbox/ps crap there, giving it a 0 on ps and a 10 on xbox. The game is not perfect, I'd give it a 8/10, but no one can say with a straight face it deserves a zero.
Destiny made me give it my own rating of 8.75/10 It has great visuals, challenging enemies, massive maps, but the story IMO could've gotten some more love. I've seen a lot of enemies glitch all around in a firefight aswell. But for the most part, it does live up to its hype better than other games trying to live up to theirs.