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原先發佈於:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
由Jaaake AU編輯: 2/16/2015 2:14:33 PM

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods Heads to Home Video (Uncut) October 7, 2014

I'm posting this on mobile so apologies if it is screwed up. [quote]FUNimation® Entertainment, North America’s leading anime company, is bringing Dragon Ball Z to Blu-ray & DVD in a big way. Right on the heels of its limited-run, highly successful theatrical release, Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods will be hitting online and retail shelves October 7, 2014. “We’re thrilled to be able to bring new Dragon Ball Z content back into homes after so many years” said Gen Fukunaga, President and CEO of FUNimation Entertainment. Fans of the series have a lot in store for them with this home video release. The Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods Extended Edition on Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack comes with two versions of the film: the Uncut Version – which includes an additional 20 minutes of never-before-seen footage – and the Theatrical Version. It also includes over 30 minutes of extra features, including an in-the-booth featurette with the fan favorite cast. [/quote][URL=]Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods Heads to Home Video With an Uncut Version of the Film[/URL] I'm actually really excited for this. Being Australian I haven't yet had the chance to see the English dub... But I did see a subtitled version which I enjoyed a lot. Discuss the movie or DBZ in general



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