After playing the beta I can think of two things that I would really like to see changed.
[b]1.[/b] I feel like this is already in the works, but I would like for there to be a naming feature. It wouldn't really change much, but "[i]insert name here[/i]" just has better ring to it than "hunter awoken male 8". It would be cool to have your character name pop up as well as your account name when other guardians see you exploring. Something about having the ability to name your character just makes a game feel so much better.
[b]2.[/b] I think the Hunter's super may need a bit of a buff. It seems like having a single target ability with three kill-shots is good, but the cast time leaves you vulnerable, and using it preemptively can end in wasting it altogether. The Warlock and Titan classes can both just toss/slam their explosions of death and take out entire teams instantly. Perhaps after the time runs out of the Hunter's super he/she should instantly recharge a third of their bar depending on how many shots they have left. Having no time limit might also work, but it runs the risk of being overpowered in that they could just activate it and instantly kill 3 or more people in different locations.
TL;DR: I suggest character naming and a Hunter buff.
What do you guys think?