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由The Swag Master編輯: 11/27/2013 11:07:43 PM

How to tell if you're a beta.

You are a beta if three or more of the following apply to you: - You've never had a girlfriend and you're 15 years old or older. - You never went to your school dances - No girl has ever asked you out. - You spend more time a week playing video games than playing sports or working out. - You've never had sex and you're 16 years old or older. - You wear a fedora. - You use the word euphoric. - You like MLP. - You are a brony. - You can only grow facial hair on your neck. - You like anime. - You blame others for your shortcomings. - You've never been on a sports team. - You care more about personality than looks. - You're too scared to drive. - You feel uncomfortable changing in the locker room. -You're to scared to ask out or even talk to girls. - You're afraid of spiders - You don't do drugs because they're "bad." - You have a waifu. - You have messy or greasy hair. - You don't even lift. - You paint a girl's toenails if she asks you. - You have been friendzoned two or more times - You frequently go on This has been a public Swag announcement.



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