Recently it seems the roar against vaccinations for deadly diseases has increased, with parents still subscribing to chicken pox party ideals and refusing to allow medical science to do its thing. People are dumb, so this isn't a huge surprise.
But it concerns me because the "herd immunity" is dropping. I am severely allergic (we are talking 106+ F fever here) to the pertussis vaccine, and there are quite a few other people out there who cannot be given the vaccine either. We depend on the immunity of those around us in order to stay safe. But the people around us are not getting vaccinated. Of course the odds of an outbreak are still low, seeing as the majority is vaccinated, but I'm worried about the future here, if the trend gets worse, and vaccinated people are no longer the majority, all it would take would be one small cough and then we'd be back in the 1920's. At this point, getting whooping cough probably wouldn't damage me, I'm 18, healthy, strong, etc. But I would be a carrier, and I might make it spread to other persons who would be at risk.
So please Flood, in the horrible event any of us reproduce, vaccinate your spawn.
EDIT: at no point did I mention the flu shot, lel.
Get leerned: [url=]“In many cases, babies get this illness from their mothers or others close to them. It’s absolutely tragic.”[/url]
How about we EAT healthy and learn to become immune of disease the natural way.. as nature intended? Of course though.. Avoiding exposure is good too.. for things like HIV.
The lovely idiots who accuse vaccines of causing issues do so with a sort of ignorant logic, yet they do believe they are correct: Many vaccines contain the element mercury. Due to the toxicity of mercury, many people instantaneously assume vaccines to be harmful, but this is not the case. Since the mercury is only a component in many far more complex molecules it is entirely harmless, rendering the arguments of anti-vaccination groups useless.
It's like the Flat Earth Society but they aren't just trolling. People who are Anti-Vaccine are some of the stupidest fellows on this rock. Not to mention that whole Autism-MMR thing. That moron should be hung from tower bridge. Even my bloody parents think that jab is why my brother is a bit... weird. And has absolutely nothing to do with the age they get the jab being the age where that sort of 'weirdness' starts to show. Vaccinate yourself and your children .-.
More people die and get sick from flu vaccines than from the actual flu... Justsaying.
People who die from disease are just the casualties of natural selection. There, I said it.
由bobcast編輯: 11/11/2013 9:12:30 AMEver watch a child die from a vaccine preventable disease? I have. It was pertussis. It was horrible and sad.
If the parents of a child don't vaccinate their children without a valid medical reason, they should receive reduced government benefits (if any) and not be permitted to enrol their child in a public school. There, I said it.
由Lord Commissar編輯: 11/11/2013 7:03:17 AM
4 回覆
由SexyPiranha編輯: 11/11/2013 5:10:32 PMI'm gonna put in my final two cents. Even if there were proven to be link(there isn't one) between vaccination and autism you're basically saying, "I'd rather put my child at risk of death from something entirely preventable than raise a weirdo."
I could use beef hamburger at the moment. Does McDonalds still cook burgers at 4am? Oh and good thread etcetera
How the -blam!- is this convo still going? It should be dead because the only reasonable, rational thing to do is to get your hellspawn vaccinated and because the people chiming that vaccinations are counter productive to natural selection are goddam trolls.
由DeleteMyAcct3編輯: 11/11/2013 2:03:43 PMThat was a great post. Thank you :) Many of us don't realize how big this issue really is. So bringing it up is a great post
[quote]So please Flood, in the horrible event any of us reproduce, vaccinate your spawn.[/quote] Why? What if I [i]want[/i] my children to have smallpox?
由SexyPiranha編輯: 11/11/2013 6:59:44 AM[url=]For those of you still in doubt of how detrimental this antivaxxer thing is.[/url]
I hate them, all idiots thanks to one huge asshole. Even after he's been disproven beyond a doubt. People like Jenny McCarthy spouting their nonsense on such a big stage make me sick knowing that idiots out there will believe her and risk their children.
Vaccinations in children at early ages is important, while getting flu shots later is retarded, that only weakens the immune system, and doesnt always work due to multiple strains occuring.
Last time I got vaccinated was like 5 years ago. Aside from typical allergies or a sore throat, I simply never get sick. When everybody was running around to sterilize their hands, and still get sick, during the whole bird flu epidemic I was like lolwut and never got it. I'm a big proponent of if you're not going to die then medication isn't that important. We've become a society that when one person coughs, they have to take very OTC on the planet. This is bad considering that foreign cells that do cause disease will eventually build up immunity to these drugs and make them worthless. Just stay in bed, drink some damn chicken noodle soup, and let the white blood cells do it's thing.
I had two shots of penicillin (in each ass cheek) because I thought I had syphilis once. I don't know why this is relevant at all however. [spoiler]test results were negative. So I got two somewhat painful shots for no reason.[/spoiler]
i never got the chicken pox shot and i usually dont get shots unless they are required.