'Guns Save Lives Day' to be held on Newtown Anniversary
[url=http://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/Newtown-Opposes-Plan-for-Guns-Save-Lives-Day-on-Dec-14-227451271.html]Preston, please go away[/url]
I don't know if anyone else lives in my state (Connecticut) or lives close enough to know how a lot of people are here, but even before Newtown we had the strictest gun laws in the country. And after this happened, the pro-gun control argument became super emotionally charged. I know that guns (pictures, symbols, even mentionings) were even banned from a lot of schools, and most conservatives couldn't start a conversation about their favorite rifle without giving a speech to make sure everyone listening wouldn't be offended.
So yeah, biggest troll of our time.
>People bitch and moan about gun rights advocates "dance on the graves of dead people" when they mention guns in a positive light.
>Dance on the graves of dead people hours after a shooting by pushing their gun control agenda
>"Hurr Gun rights advocates support killing children!"
Guns DO save lives. I have no problem with this. If you get emotionally unstable at the thought of other people exercising their rights, that's your problem.