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10/11/2013 1:44:24 AM

Teen Titans Movie?

Well we've already got references to Cyborg existing in the new DCU. Could it be done? Should it be done? Personally, I think they might be able to go off on an interesting tangent should they follow my whole "conflict of ideals" type JL. While the more mature heroes realize how their conflicting ideologies and approaches allow them to be stronger, humanity as a whole should end up being skeptical of the new "society of gods" that the JL brings to the table. Meanwhile, the Teen Titans try to get together in an attempt to do good on their own and try and win public favor (indeed we could have Robin branching off from Batman himself after Supes forms the League with Bats). Perhaps in another JL movie in the future the two groups will end up merging. That's how I see it working at least. What about you guys?



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  • I think they should make the movie before the Justice League movie, using the Titans as a sort of precursor to JL, where after seeing these kids unite to fight crime, the high end superheroes resolve their conflicts with each other and are inspired to create the Justice League. After all, the chronology of the Titans has predated JL in some story lines, where the JL was not founded until Red Robin was Batman's sidekick, and Young Justice was not founded until he Titans were too old to be members.



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