由kgj編輯: 9/15/2013 10:34:06 PMNot this again <insert list of 3209482309482039 people here> But here's a few from the top of my head. If I didn't mention you, it's probably because I'm an idiot. Or you've posted something really stupid. Or we haven't met and you don't have the largest amount of posts in the world. ROBERTO jh Chronarch Hipi Lord of Admirals Prehistoric Ch33zyBurrito RC5908 Damien Sandow (Sandow? <3) Elegiac SoK Ember (or whatever you're calling yourself now XD) Splendid Dust Zoid Raptorkid DEZARATH boomdeyadah (<3 deydey) Palien90 petarded The PROBLEM distribution DecepticonCobra Infiltrat0rN7 (<3 arbytor) Big Boss Fat Man 3000 big biss Fet Men 2999 Fort Mono 6969 (Okay the last four were all the same person) Shdooby A 3 Legged Goat A 5 Legged Panda A Metroid Mendicant Bias |Mendicant Bias InfiniteClass SixtyNinthClass The British Lemon imambored Tartan118 Major Enigma lukeanatr/Dung Beetle HundredJono NinjaLord77 The Random Perception Gnome Scat IslocStarKiller Adam the Fondlre Forgive me... what was your username again XD? I can remember your custom title- Tabula Rasa. SecondClass (the original) Silent Bob Alpha Zero Blonic The Mythic Wolf The Waifu Master Feel's sh1tposts can be semi entertaining too, I guess hurtfulturkey Camnator Hargbeast Methew BerzerkCommando Plasma Eagle Vien TH3_AV3NG3R Catzilla Nigdalf EC 437 GarGar Binks 444 The Suede Uzi Player3Thomas MattyFez Feanory Weanory A Stolen Fruit Phuk Durable Sausage VastLeviathan El Burninator challengerX Raven DE4THINC4RN4TE Avatar Aang KakaCarrotCake And that's all that I can remember. People who've posted things I dislike (though I'm not so naive as to pass judgement on their characters based on singular actions on the internet, I'm sure they can be fine people offline): angsty0lbgrampa Archangel Tyrael WarTornIron Avy xxstrongbeerxx People who need to GTFO: Kal El Haloroach Mekagojira Kiryu People who are Scorch: Scorch (IDK, you're on a class of your own. You are ScorchClass) [spoiler]Okay, I copied and pasted the list this time. I'm still missing people though :([/spoiler]
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Wow. Such an original idea. One of the things that annoys me the most is when newbies immediately make a ton of threads and reused posts because they feel like they have to make a name for themselves.
由U3967569編輯: 9/15/2013 9:13:11 PMTo reply to my own post, I like: NekromantikRobot, and Toxic Kow I hate: Mentlegen, shadows, shadowsbf, and emmamas I also hate ducks but that's no user, I just genuinely hate ducks
由Plasma Eagle編輯: 9/15/2013 10:47:12 PMI shall try a mega list. Plasma Eagle Blonic Vien MarkFanous BerserkCommando RCRandom numbers BCRandom numbers Teh Puma Roach Goatman Enclave Soldier Raptor(WWII guy) 0_______0 Hurtful Turkey Archninja64 Grandmasterninja Kernel Kraut Infiltrator Solonoid Zizou Silent Zoid Capitons big wang Sigma617 Big Boss Box Dweller Play3rthomas Onion Beetlentr Thebreadsquid deathincarnate stolenfruit Alpha zero Mattyfez EC 437 Macgrooger IcyWind Turrets the mythic wolf A Metroid Ember Nigalf LordRuler scorch blame nathan SecondClass SecondClass Alt 2 Kaozcreator Boomdeyadah Xmark Gr33n A forum cop elegiac randomrosso(I win!) ottchild garland TheBirdMan(kaw) Perception Hargbeast Carefreemeat Invisible(I see you) Acceptance Darkestseptagon theSeudeUzi Catzilla M1Silencer Adamal123 Sev Th3_Av3ng3r SmallBlaze iambored vastlevithian digginurgrave tartan118 risay_116 Bob of the silent variety DontHateTheBeast Epsilotari Mentlegen Spartan 220 Empereor Rudd TribleDuker. Ch33zy Burrito TehBurdishLemon El Burnitar na Hayabusam BLeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Foreveraloner and Plasma Eagle. Comment If I forgot you or misspelled your name. Hated: all of the above
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由Alphy 編輯: 9/15/2013 9:26:33 PMThis again? *Sigh* In no particular order: Favorites: Blonic Noel Kannagi The Mythic Wolf RC5908 Ember Emmamas Plasma Eagle The Waifu Master Ch33zyburrito Doctor Kupo EDIT 1: DerpyTheWhale/Vast Leviathan EDIT 2: Player3Th0mas Don't know if I missed anybody. This was better than last time.
I wonder if Bnet and/or the staff have the ability to see how many people have ctrl+F'd their own username on these threads. Because I would come up a lot.