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9/8/2013 9:30:37 PM


I loved Beyblades as a kid they were the best things ever. Tv show was great too. That's where I got my username from. I see there's a newer show of it out now and the toys look HIDEOUS. Like proper ugly like. The toys used to have personality, they were all different shapes and sizes and it was fun customizing and collecting them. Now it just looks awful. They all look the same. I wonder why they changed it.



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  • I used to think the theme tune was the musical definition of hardcore bad assery. I remember watching it on Cartoon Network and feeling awesome. Playing it was pretty cool too, my Draceil (spelling?) broke this kids' Beyblade at someone's birthday party and I didn't even feel bad. It got banned in my school though after people started using them as weapons, launching them into people's eyes and stuff.



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