It's weird. While I can honestly say that I have found people of every conceivable skin tone attractive at some point in my life, from absolutely pasty-white to as dark as you can get, I continue to be resolutely prejudiced against one kind of person in particular. I've tried immersion therapy, tried telling myself to be nice, tried looking for the positive...nope, nothing.
Ladies, gentlemen, and people who identify as both or neither: I'm sorry, but I'm just not attracted to blondes.
You know how some (racist) people will say things like, "yeah, I guess she's okay...for a black girl..."? Yeah, that's me with almost anyone who has blond or blonde hair. And while, just like people who aren't attracted to dark skin, I have my exceptions (Cate Blanchett is basically my Beyonce), for the most part, people with blond(e) hair just don't do it for me. I don't know if it's the way it softens their features to the point of blandness or the fact that most shades of blond or blonde remind me of straw. I love redheads, brunets and brunettes, people with black hair or people who dye their hair ridiculous rainbow colours. But show me a girl with golden tresses and I'll most likely fall asleep on the spot.
What are your unusual taste prejudices? What does everyone else seem to like that just doesn't do it for you?
Why can I not see like 90% of the replies in this thread?
Anyway, there really isn't any one particular trait like hair or skin color that I find unattractive. I like to think I have pretty general views on what I find attractive/unattractive, and none of those traits are exclusive to any particular group.