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由Recon Number 54編輯: 5/19/2013 9:50:27 PM

The pressure to buy a console/consoles games on PC gamers

Hi so I've got your attention. My observation so far on the gaming industry in concern with PC gaming over the years is, first the decline games being designed for PC then ported to console to a reversal of that where games are being designed for console and later ported to PC. Now it seems they are porting less and less titles to PC leaving us PC gamers in the dark. I for one am sick of it and have stopped purchasing any console games period instead have focused on indie companies willing to make PC content. I refuse to being pressured to buy a console games to continue playing their favorite franchise. I am not say all franchises have stopped making for PC entirely. but its slowly becoming the norm and secondly there is less and less franchises being introduced to the PC Community Destiny for example I would love to see Destiny released for the pc when its released but sadly It seems it will. not What is everyone else thoughts on, major Publishers and Developers slow abandonment of PC gaming?



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  • People just prefer consoles. The majority I think anyways. I would love to game on my laptop but the biggest issue for me is money. Consoles are inexpensive compared to a good customized gaming PC...that's a major putoff. Especially when I could get the same entertainment value on console.



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