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5/15/2013 4:37:28 AM

Marty hinting at possible Destiny OST snippets?

Marty just posted this on both his Twitter and Facebook pages. [quote]So would anybody be interested in listening to new music? Music that perhaps tells its own story?[/quote] I don't know about you guys, but I am giddy with anticipation right now. Are you excited to hear what Marty, Salvatori, and McCartney have cooked up?



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  • Umm... Yes. Or wait... HELLS YES! Been a huge fan of the Halo OST's. I've probably spent a year in total time listening to the original Halo soundtrack alone.



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  • Who [i]doesn't[/i] love Marty's musical genius? His and Michael's works have always made Halo stand above the competition as epic, dramatic bad-A awesomeness! The original Halo trilogy's soundtrack sparkles and shines like an enormous white orb of hope in the sky and Destiny's melodious mood-setters revealed thus far have already complimented the fantastical tone of the game. I can hardly wait to see where the rest of Destiny's soundtrack is headed! Ahhhh!!!!! MARTEHH!!!! XD



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    2 回覆
    • [quote]Are you excited to hear what Marty, Salvatori, and McCartney have cooked up?[/quote] But of course. I love the couple of small samples we've gotten so far.



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