[quote]Eating more insects could help fight world hunger, according to a new UN report.
The report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization says that eating insects could help boost nutrition and reduce pollution.
It notes than over 2 billion people worldwide already supplement their diet with insects.
However it admits that "consumer disgust" remains a large barrier in many Western countries.
Wasps, beetles and other insects are currently "underutilised" as food for people and livestock, the report says. Insect farming is "one of the many ways to address food and feed security".
"Insects are everywhere and they reproduce quickly, and they have high growth and feed conversion rates and a low environmental footprint," according to the report.
The authors point out that insects are nutritious, with high protein, fat and mineral content.
They are "particularly important as a food supplement for undernourished children".
Insects are also "extremely efficient" in converting feed into edible meat. Crickets, for example, need 12 times less feed than cattle to produce the same amount of protein, according to the report.
I don't fancy eating bugs if im totally honest, would you guys try it?
Well, it the [i]cicadas[/i] will be out this year for the east coast of the US... Also, crickets taste horrible.
由halo編輯: 5/14/2013 5:24:01 PMYou know what I'm sure insects are nutritious and some don't taste bad, but I doubt people will ever adapt to it. Maybe if we slowly introduce people to it or something, but right now too many people find it disgusting. Even I find it gross, and when I try to think of why, the only thing I can come up with is that they look creepy, but that's not a valid excuse not to eat something if it tastes good and is good for you.
Great source of protein. Also, to people who say they'll never eat insects: The processing industry isn't perfect. Unless you're eating organic food that grows out of your own backyard, you're most likely eating insect bits and pieces.
I'm okay about this actually. It's really quite logical. Now us rich people don't need to it but give some insects to those poor Africans and they'll probably gobble that shit right up rather than starve to death I would assume China already does this, so what's the harm?
We don't need to eat bugs to supply food for everyone in the world. Cutting waste and improving yields whilst stopping rainforest clearing to make cattle land would be a good start. If they are going to clear the forest they could at least grow things that would feed more people. The lower down the Biomass chain you go the more food is available, eating lots of beef is very inefficient. That's not to say meat r bad cuz ur bad, but that there are other farm animals with a less costly food input/output ratio.