Do you kill them, ignore them or call for help while running like a pussy? Personally, I ask someone to deal with them. I can't kill them because they make me feel disgusting and because -blam!- insects. Only thing I can kill is mosquitoes.
I kill any and all with whatever opportunity provides me if I see one in my home. If it bugs me outside it better have an escape plan, otherwise I will kill it. I give spiders a little leeway for I know they are doing the job for me. But if they are visible in an obvious area, or a wolf spider, they die too. I hate deer flys and mosquitoes. We used to get yellow jackets building in our walls in the summer. I finally had enough of them chasing everybody, so I would go out in the evenings and smack them to bits with a badminton racket. After it was dark enough and they would not come out anymore I caulked their entry shut. They died.
由Bulldozer編輯: 4/26/2013 7:23:02 PMGet use to it Me and my buddies went camping to the Amazon last summer and we slept in hammocks. All we needed was general bug spray. You get use to it after like the second day unless you have high estrogen levels. Nothing will attack you unless you touch or step on it. Same thing when I went to Kauaii, you just get use to the insects and what ever else is there.