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4/19/2013 3:47:39 PM

History in the Making-US, al-Qaeda, Chechnya: Let's piece this together.

WATERTOWN,BOSTON BOMBING, GUNS: It's all over the news, if you haven't heard it you might be living under a rock. But you might have only heard this word "Chechnya" mentioned once or twice. So what does Chechnya have to do with the US? It started back in 1989 with Communist Russia. At this time the USSR had exiled Chechens who had been fighting for their freedom. At this time a Chechen leader by the name of Khattab had met with Osama Bin Laden. Now this is 1989 where both al-Qaeda and Chechnya were at war with the USSR with even the US opposing the USSR. Fast forward to 1990, the Gulf war when the US under George Bush, not George W. Bush, declared war on Iraq for the annexation (taking over) or Kuwait. This was the first time the US began any conflict with the terrorist cell al-Qaeda. This occurred when there was some aggression toward Israel. With al-Qaeda having successfully held off USSR forces in Afghanistan and new aggression coming from the US their attention turned to the US. This was done with great force on 9/11. Thus began the US's most recent war. So why did Chechen Rebels bomb civilians at the Boston marathon? The simple answer, we don't know. This "Khattab had met with Osama Bin Laden" may be part of it and if so then we may see the US going to war with terrorism, the same guise used to enter the second Gulf War. More information will be shared as it is released. We the Internet must keep the facts straight and know our history.



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  • These are kids, not Chechen rebels. According to the news, they fled the wars at an early age and ended up here a decade ago. Perhaps one of them connected online with some extremists from back home, or they just might be messed up from their childhood spent in an active warzone.



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