I presume if North Korea attacks South Korea the Russians will make their next move invading the Baltic states since America would be concentrating their troops in helping their South Korea ally.
When they see the time is right they will try to occupy all of Europe like they did in WWII. Fortunately the Germans were wiser at the time and invaded them first before the Russians could have begun their overwhelming invasion against Europe in 1941 without the Americans having chance to intervene.
由NaLo編輯: 4/5/2013 11:56:04 AMNo. They DO NOT WANT NUCLEAR WAR! Is that so hard for you to understand? Japan tried to take over the world during WW2, do you think they'll try again as soon as they get a chance? Russians aren't as power-thirsty as you think, they're not CCCP, they've changed just like Germany and Japan has.
lol, Russia hasn't changed. They have no desire to apology anyone or make any of their crimes right what they've done unlike the Germans and Japanese. Russia is currently invading like two countries in a decade and the west shows they have no desire to intervene in their actions the Russians are doing.