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原先發佈於: The Oscars
3/22/2013 6:58:21 AM
If the artsiest movies got nominated, the nominees would be completely different. I'm no film buff, but it's pretty clear that most Hollywood films are far from artsy. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, but if anything the selection process is the opposite of what you described. Anyway, I don't really care for award ceremonies in general, and I don't watch many films, so....



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  • It's just upsetting when your favourite movies go unrecognized. The Dark Knight Rises got not a single nomination, while Les Mis got like 12, even though my friend said it was bad.



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  • You should see Les Mis and not take your one friend's opinion as fact. I HATE musicals, and even I liked Les Mis. I had to be dragged into the theater by my friends and I was forced to admit I was wrong to hate on it. That being said, why Anne Hathaway got a nomination when she is in the movie for maybe 30 minutes is beyond me



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  • It wasn't just one friend, it was many. One of my friends that didn't like it was a big fan of the play and the book as well. He had the lead role in the play at my school last year.



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  • [quote]The Dark Knight Rises got not a single nomination, while Les Mis got like 12, even though my friend said it was bad.[/quote]So you base your opinion on a movie on what your friend says?



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  • Of course I do. Would you go to a movie if all your friends said it sucked? I don't think so.



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  • Yeah because my friends don't enjoy movies unless they're full of explosions and CGI and one-liners and male place-holders punching people in the face. The amount of great movies I would not experience if I only watched movies based on recommendations of friends would be almost all of them.



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  • My best friend has pretty similar tastes to me. I've never seen a movie he thought was terrible and disagreed.



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  • 由Cultmeister編輯: 3/22/2013 9:17:42 AM
    that's because the judges thought it was a better film. they have their own opinions, just like everybody else. personally, i'm kinda glad films like Les Miserables and The Artist get some kind of recognition; cus all the other film awards get dominated by blockbusters like Batman and Inception and Skyfall and we hardly ever hear about the others.



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