Was it justified?
The justification most people use is that Iraq was believed (without actual evidence) of having nuclear weapons, and the fact the government was run by an evil dictator.
However, there were no nuclear weapons and nor had they the capability to launch them at the US. The war brought Al-Qaeda into the country and created a civil war between the the two main religions (granted, that was more or less unpredictable).
Still, you can't go to war over a baseless threat. There simply was no evidence Iraq had any nuclear weapons other than Saddam Hussein's threats.
And of course evil dictators must always be brought down, but not by a full blown war. There are many other countries standing right now that have evil dictators, but you solve the issue through revolutions like the Arab Spring. If the people want it, then help them, but you can't force it onto them.
What's your opinion on the Iraq War?
EDIT: I forgot to mention that this war paid on credit - one of the most unintelligent decisions ever made in US history since Hoover's inaction during the Great Depression.
[quote]The war brought Al-Qaeda into the country[/quote]No it didn't. The war just gave them an opportunity to expand. The predecessor to AQI was called al-Tawhid wal-Jihad, started in the 1990's by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. When the war started, he pledged allegiance to UBL; thus creating al-Qaeda in Iraq.
[quote]created a civil war [/quote]Inadvertently. The war, itself, didn't cause the "civil war". AQI and Iran started that. Grant it, they wouldn't have had the chance if the war never took place.
Fun Fact: According to [i]Masters of Chaos[/i], US Special Forces and Peshmerga forces [b]did[/b] find a chemical weapon facility in the north. It was the only such place found throughout the war.