I just don't believe and cannot imagine... that our government would turn on us, become tyrants, and rule over us like [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] Germany, Russia, or China. I cannot stand Republicans, but I don't think even they would do such a thing. However, I wouldn't be surprised if this "tyrant" talk wouldn't arise if McCain or Romney were in power.
I am utterly baffled as to why some people compare Obama to Hitler, or if they think they can coup this current form of government with assault rifles. The military would surly defend the white house and it really is safe to say that the USA would never in even 20 years become a tyrannical country. How can you even compare our current government and its actions to [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] Germany? Obama just wants the best for the USA, and that even means changing laws,amendments, and giving up things for the better.
People will use fear to keep the population on their side when education is detrimental to their cause. The common person is ignorant and scared, which makes them easy to manipulate. People tend to be confused when I tell them that Hitler greatly relaxed gun control laws in Germany.
由HurtfulTurkey編輯: 2/25/2013 5:16:31 PMEvery president gets compared to Nazis at one point or another. I'd imagine that you're probably in your mid-teens now and you haven't been exposed to/interested in elections until the most recent one.
[quote]However, I wouldn't be surprised if this "tyrant" talk wouldn't arise if McCain or Romney were in power.[/quote][url=http://www.dtom.fr/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/mitt-Hitler.png]I[/url] [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_hKOdTFZsTY0/SGplRjOlkYI/AAAAAAAAGdU/kSiuo2w-o5k/s400/McNazi.jpg]would[/url].
While I agree that comparing Obama to Hitler is WAY beyond extreme, it's not too far fetched to believe that our government could turn on us. It may not be immediate, but a series of events that over time makes the government tyrannical. Now, keep in mind I'm not saying the government is or will become tyrannical, only that it always could become so. It's not far fetched to believe that the people could overthrow the government. The military or parts of it may agree with the people and either fight with them of simply stand down and refuse to fight. I don't see the government being willing to use bombs and other explosives on their towns, cities, and non-rebelling citizens. Plus, the sheer prospect of a full on rebellion could frighten the government into giving in.